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Posted by: Kim, Kiwi3732
Subject: Lonley Sugar
When: 4:22 PM, 07 Oct 2000

I will be recieving a sugar glider in about two weeks and I read the introduction of Gliderpedia in this website and it got me pretty scared for the wellbeing of my soon to come sugar glider. I am afraid he will be lonley because I am not purchasing two sugar gliders. My neighboor is purchasing one too, but they will only be able to see eachother over the weekends and after school. Do you think this is enough contact with another sugar glider or should I press getting two on my parents? Thanks
P.S. My glider will appreciate it! smile

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Skyler, RoxyCLF
Subject: it will be ok... i think
When: 5:53 PM, 07 Oct 2000

If you plan to play with your glider for about 2 hours per day he/she will be fine. I also have a single glider and he is fine. he does great alone. And sometimes gliders dont like other gliders. They like to be the only glider. But if you notice that your glider is getting lonely you should really consider it.
Well hope I helped
~¤Coutney(me) and Skyler my glider raspberry ¤~

Posted by: Kim, Kiwi3732
Subject: Thank you
When: 7:43 PM, 07 Oct 2000

Dear Courtney,
Thank you for your generous advice. I feel much better about my soon-to-be pet. I apreciate your gesture and I hope I can help you with one of your Glider problems once I become more experienced. Thanks again!

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Playdates
When: 1:52 AM, 08 Oct 2000

I don't suggest you let you glider play with another glider unless it is yours. If they bond with each other durring playtime then they can become depressed when you seperate them. Also if they don't see each other often then its liekly they will fight when they do see each other. It is better to either get two and keep them together...or not introduce them to another glider.

Posted by: Kim, Kiwi3732
Subject: none
When: 8:26 AM, 08 Oct 2000

Hmmm. I guess your theory could be correct. Have you had an experience as the one you described? My neighboor will be terribly dissappointed. I guess I will see what happends. Thank you for your advice!

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: My experience
When: 4:21 PM, 08 Oct 2000

In my experience the two gliders tried to fight. However I seen a few people posy here that they had to sell their glider or take in another because their glider bonded to it. It is more likely to happen with a male and female..the male and female are likely to bond and two males are likely to fight.