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Posted by: Kim, Kiwi3732
Subject: Will he be scared?
When: 1:05 PM, 08 Oct 2000

If I get a neutered male will he be more scared and unsure than an uneutered one? Will the experience take away from him bonding to me? Thanks,

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: none
When: 3:46 PM, 08 Oct 2000

It shouldn't make him more scared of you. I had my youngest male, Meko, neutered on friday. After he woke up he was fine. He was trying to climb on my shoulders( I trimmed his nails REAL good while he was under).He isn't scared of me or anything.

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 4:08 PM, 08 Oct 2000

I wouldn't think that neutering would make any more difference than it would to a dog/cat/ferret or any other animal.
We can't be sure about what they do or do not remember of the experience, but as we see in other animals it does not have an adverse effect. In fact it is usually just the opposite smile

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Neutering
When: 4:45 PM, 08 Oct 2000

Neutering should have no effect at all on bonding or how scared he is of you. His past experience and age will be waht matters.