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Posted by: Brittney Jones,
Subject: what foods help control odor?
When: 4:08 PM, 09 Oct 2000

I am relatively new to this board, but I wanted to tell everyone that it is the best message board that I have found. Thank you all for being so helpful and informative.

I have heard comments that you can alter a sugar glider's diet to help control the odor. Is this true? If so, what types of foods help control odor? What types of foods make the odor worse?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Follow Ups:

Posted by: chrissy, crisi
Subject: none
When: 2:26 AM, 11 Oct 2000

I believe that it is not what TYPE of food but the BALANCE, balance there fruits, veggies, protien, watch cal:phos . That of course is what I have gathered in the odor control aspect. Of course, THE EXPERTS on hear explain it much better with more detail and examples hope I my miner contribution helps some smile
*****THE EXPERT comment was a total compliment this board has so many great people on it that answer so thoroughly that I feel silly ever posting, to help ...... ya know what I mean....

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 4:46 AM, 11 Oct 2000

but you did that so well Chrissy..Britney, haveing too acidic of a diet, or too many vitamins, may be a contributing factor in odor. Un-neutered males are a factor, as well as overcleaning of the cage and pouches, undercleaning of the wodent wheel, ropes and wood toys are also a factor. Galvanized and some painted cages. The biggest problem I have found though (in my opinion) is the un-neutered male when babies are due, when oother males are in the area, or when they are reaching puberty.

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: none
When: 9:39 AM, 11 Oct 2000

Our Petey, who is such a little cuddler he started off being known as "Sweetie Petey", swiftly developed the alias of "Stinky Pete" because he was marking so much he smelled like a glider outhouse! Phew, was it BAD! After a couple weeks of declaring the cage his own, the odor dropped down to where it's now almost totally undetectable (or maybe we're just used to it raspberry).

Posted by: chrissy, crisi
Subject: none
When: 12:55 AM, 12 Oct 2000

i really don't think the smell is all that bad, I don't over clean my cage and I can smell it BUT compared to CATS that mark.... gliders are nothing...I know a lady with cats that spray in her house YUCK..