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Posted by: Mark,
Subject: Cages
When: 9:26 PM, 13 Oct 2000

I done lots of reasearch on sugar gliders and visited a breeder and might get a sugar glider. I want to know what size,kind, and where I can get a quality cage that can house 2 adult sugar gliders. Please answer! smile

Follow Ups:

Posted by: chrissy, crisi
Subject: none
When: 11:07 PM, 13 Oct 2000

your cage should be 2'x2'x4' minimum I think the bigger the better (yet harder to clean)
you want it to be pvc coated wire not made with wood ( smile ) because it retains odor. glavanized wire works but is not good for their feet and I hear that it is harder to clean.
not quite sure the min. or max on spacing for wire but mine is half inch x half inch squares.
bird cages work (large)
you want it to have a tray on the bottom for easy cleaning.
buying a cage IS NOT CHEAP, I made my own for under $75 but I also used wood which as i said retains odor and is not really easy to clean. You can make your own although research it more if you are interested, I have recently recieved many great ideas for making my gliders a new cage and look forward to the project.
Happy cage hunting !