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Posted by: ANONYMOUS
Subject: please help, clipping nails
When: 9:20 PM, 15 Oct 2000

I am open to suggestions on how to clip the nails we tried but couldn't do it yet we don't want to hurt him. my main thing is keeping him still, so please any tricks of the trade are welcomed. or if I can use a branch of some sort, it's time for nail clipping so please help us, we love our little baby and don't want him hurt. PLEASE HELP!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Pixygirl
Subject: none
When: 11:14 PM, 15 Oct 2000

I took some advice from someone else on the board and got one of the electric nail files. They run about $20.00 you can get them at beauty supply stores there for acrilic nails.
And they work great!!! winkand you dont have to worry about cutting them too short.

Posted by: ANONYMOUS
Subject: thanks
When: 9:21 PM, 16 Oct 2000

i would like to thank you pixygirl for your suggestion, i plan to look into that. in the mean time, if i do get one, then what, i still have to get him to sit still, right? i am also still open to other suggestions too, anyone, thanks!

Posted by: Pixygirl
Subject: none
When: 7:06 AM, 17 Oct 2000

It is not an easy task even a two person job. I have my boyfriend hold the glider in a mesh materal when a paw gets by one of the holes he holds it and I buzz it raspberry careful not to get there skin than we wait for another hand till we have them all.

Posted by: ANONYMOUS
Subject: vet said no need to clip
When: 8:02 PM, 17 Oct 2000

ok let me run this by you, i called a vet office and the receptionist ask the vet what i could do or try, he told her that i don't need to clip his nails, matter of fact he said i'm not supposed to, now i disagreed with her , but i would like to clear this up, should i or shouldn't i?? about the two people thing, yeah it's definetly still hard to do, we've tried and we just can't keep him still and don't want to force him or hurt him. THANKS for your help... always.

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Nails
When: 9:19 PM, 18 Oct 2000

All gliders do not need their nails cliped. Clipping them when they don't need it just causes them to grow back afster. However it can be dangerous for the glider if their nails get to be too long. Gliders can hurt themselves if they get stick and try to jumo...they can also get very stressed if stuck in their bedding. There is no need to cut the gliders nails unless the glider is having a problem like this.

Posted by: Anonymous
Subject: nails reply from mary
When: 9:30 PM, 18 Oct 2000

thanks that was very helpful, and clears things up for us.