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Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: Hanging Treats
When: 11:16 PM, 18 Oct 2000

Before anyone jumps on me, I realize that there isn't even a smell of nutrition in this treat,but hey, haven't we all give our "kids" food just for fun from time to time raspberry
The other night I was trying to figure out some sort of different treat for the "kids" and I had some fruit loops that were going to go stale if not eaten soon. Sooooo, I got an old shoe string, tied a bid knot in the end and strung about 24 fruit loops on it (for all 3 gliders) and hung it on the side of the cage. I didn't hang it in the middle because I didn't want them to get a nail caught on it and hurt themselves.
Well, next morning there was not the tiniest piece of fruit loop anywhere to be found AND they had also finished all their supper ... every last bite smile
I wouldn't suggest this as a regular treat, but what the heck, couple times a month couldn't hurt.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 11:47 PM, 18 Oct 2000

That is such a great idea for an occasional treat. Thanks for sharing, mine love fruit loops and honey nut cherios too. ;)

Posted by: chrissy,
Subject: none
When: 11:53 PM, 18 Oct 2000

cute idea and it gives them something new to play with... have you ever tried veggie wheels they are by all the pet stuff, they sell them at walmart and they come with two wheels and a plastic thingy that attaches to your cage, my gliders took like a mth to eat the hole wheel but they liked to chew on it and its good for there teeth, .... good for them too.