Posted by: | Robin, | Subject: | Kiki Update | When: | 12:53 PM, 23 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
Last night she cleaned her plate for the first time since revamping Bourbon's diet. She ate 5 med mealies, 1 tsp Leadbeaters, 1/2 tsp applesauce, and 8 pcs of mixed veggies. She is bonding quite well considering we've only been together for 8 weeks. She will now let me hold her and loves to use me as her "tree" during playtime. I can't thank all of you enough for your advice and help with my little baby. You're truly a terrific bunch!
Posted by: | Rocki'sMom, | Subject: | none | When: | 1:17 PM, 23 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
That sounds great Robin...congrats and keep us posted on your progress. ;)
Posted by: | Bourbon | Subject: | none | When: | 7:58 PM, 23 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
Robin, has she settled into a regular eating schedule yet? I am glad she is eating though , Is she still at the gorge and rest stage or is SHE confidant the food is there regularly? Last I heard she was gorging then not eating, etc..
Posted by: | Robin, | Subject: | none | When: | 9:34 PM, 23 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
She's on a regular schedule, eating around 11 pm each night. Sometimes she will pick out the veggies and hardly touch the Leadbeaters, other times she plays in it, and other times she at least tries to eat some, although not all of it. She ate quite a bit for her last nite, so I'm wondering if she's hitting a "growth spurt". I always offer the same thing right now with no variances until I'm sure she is adjusting (mixed veggies or sweet potatoes with applesauce and Leadbeaters). I'm afraid if I switch veggie types or add fruits, she'll eat the other stuff instead. Ex: I tried an apple slice last week since I know she loves it and she hardly touched anything else that night. She's not starving because I make sure she has her mealies in the am and a snack during the day (a pc of dried fruit), but it's been kind of slow go on this Leadbeaters. I'm not sure if she's finally starting to adjust to it or if she was just that hungry. She's doing very well otherwise and looks to be at almost 5 inches long now. She's friendlier and much more active lately.
Posted by: | Bourbon | Subject: | Robin | When: | 12:14 AM, 24 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
Try mixing her beggies in a litle deeper and see if that helps, remember she is still very young and she won't eat an adult portion.. We are offering her an adult portion..
Posted by: | Robin, | Subject: | none | When: | 10:32 AM, 24 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
She ate a full plate again last night! (Same as above, with the exception of two carrots, which she chewed up but did not eat...not her fave anyway.) I found something very interesting...I was using a small crock dish about an inch or so deep for her food, but I noticed that she hardly ate for several days. I then started using this cute silver "tray" with three sections that is almost flat. If I put her food in this instead, she eats right up. She enjoys sitting in one section while she eats. Is it possible that the crock was making her veggies sink too deep and she just gave up? At least this way she eats her veggies, then comes back later for the applesauce and Leadbeaters. She won't eat it if it's cold, so I think she waits til it's runny and warm to drink it.
Posted by: | Bourbon | Subject: | none | When: | 4:26 PM, 24 Oct 2000 | IP: | |
i have found they may not eat out of certain bowls or cups, sue to something that made them think it was a bad thing, maybe being filled with all their yukky stuff? I dunno, but I know of another glider that we think may be his problem as well. Mine, i switched bowls on them went from a white to a green, they refused to eat out of it. they are creatures of habit, so if they find something they like, they will try to go to the same place to get it. but that will go for stufff they hate as well. Something else to keep in mind, we have also noticed the moon phases may also affect their eating, last week it was a full moon..