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Posted by: gina
Subject: snacks
When: 4:17 AM, 24 Oct 2000

i have two gliders , both female, and they LOVE cheetos!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: TammyH,
Subject: none
When: 6:20 AM, 24 Oct 2000

Cheetos ??! raspberry - I suppose they would. But those things aren't even good for humans to consume, and were a bunch of huge garbage disposals.

Mine LOVE honey nut cheerios smile - But they only get a few of those every couple of weeks.

Gliders will try almost anything at least once --

I have discovered that they also like ham & tuna salad, ice cream/sherbert, chili dogs, french fries, pizza and fritos --

Please be assured that I DO NOT let them have these things on purpose -- Mine are known for their "kama kazi" sneak attacks, and now they're not allowed out when we are eating.

Posted by: Brittney Jones,
Subject: kama kazi gliders
When: 9:48 AM, 24 Oct 2000


I know what you mean about sneak attacks on your food! One of my gliders does that whenever we are eating. He is also banned from dinner time.

The first time, he grabbed a quarter size chunk out of my boyfriend's hamburger! I spent five minutes chasing him around the room while my boyfriend was rolling around on the couch laughing! I couldn't let him keep it because ground beef is so dangerous and if even the smallest amount of bacteria was in it, he could be killed. I'm very protective. Since then he has grabbed fries, fried chicken, and fried catfish.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with this problem.

Edgar, Lenny, Felix, and Kayla

Posted by: gina
Subject: bonding
When: 5:29 AM, 25 Oct 2000

kloe and kace love to run around our home office while i'm on the computer. when i'm done i stand and they immediatly jump on me to travel the house. they are so curious!