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Posted by: suzanne,
Subject: Anyone here had to get license
When: 3:17 PM, 24 Oct 2000

I would like to know if anyone here lives in a state (like CA) that gliders are illegal. Has anyone gone through the licensing procedure to legally obtain and have SG's as pets in one of these states? i would like details if so. How long it takes, $$, and what they require for you to be approved. Thank you.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 3:53 PM, 24 Oct 2000

It will be different depending on the stae. I don't believe any will allow you to get a liscence if you can't prove you are involved in some tupe of glider reasearch.

You need to conatact the wildlife division of your own state and ask them about it.