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Posted by: ron clay
Subject: how do i teach them to glide?
When: 6:13 PM, 06 Nov 2000

How do i teach my gliders to glide to me?
or really glide at all?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 7:20 PM, 06 Nov 2000

Once your glider has bonded to you and will come to you when out of the cage, start by placing him/her on the back of the couch,chair ... anything about chest level with you. Hold out your hands and try to get him/her to jump to you ... start with short jumps and then step back a few steps.
When he/she is comfortable with this, then place the glider on something about as high as your head ... like the top of the cage ... and coax him/her to jump to you. When you have accomplished this step back a few steps and repeat the process.
Once all this is accomplished you can place the glider on anything higher than your head and hold your hands out ... they will usually come right to you in the "glide mode".
I hope all this makes sense to you. It doesn't take long at all once they have accomplished that first short glide.
When you get them jumping to you from several feet their arms and legs will naturally go into the glide position.
Good luck and let me know how this works wink

Posted by: Sheila,
Subject: none
When: 7:58 PM, 06 Nov 2000

These are some good words. Sometimes you have to put a treat on your shoulder too raspberry

Posted by: ron clay
Subject: none
When: 10:33 AM, 07 Nov 2000

thx guys!