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Posted by: beth
Subject: meal worms ??? and Juice?
When: 9:22 PM, 08 Nov 2000

How many mealworms is ok to feed my glider? He just attacks them as soon as I put one in the cage but I don't know how many I should be feeding him. He loves his leadbeaters mix but doesn't hardly eat ANY fruits or veggies I put out for him. And is it OK to put a little juice in his water bottle of the night? He loves it but i'm not sure if it's ok to give him. It seems to be the only way to get him to get any fruit. (He does of course have his water bowl, so you guys won't think i'm JUST feeding him juice raspberry ) Thanks!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: chrissy,
Subject: none
When: 12:12 AM, 09 Nov 2000

4-6 mealies, mine would eat more if i let them and they like to eat my fingers with them!
thats the only part of your question that i am sure of. the rest lets leave to the experts