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Posted by: Lu,
Subject: Jeff...
When: 9:27 AM, 14 Nov 2000

Why would you ever do such a thing? I'm not quite sure yet if I understood what you posted. Ok, what I got from it was : "the only stressful situation was when the babies were taken from the cage to a PET SHOP for them to be sold". If this is correct, you need to understand that these gliders get very stressed and unhappy in a pet shop. They're exposed to different sounds, people, animals, and scents. Of course their parents ate them! I got my glider from a pet shop and every time I think about it,I feel so bad for her. Please don't put the babies through this horrible experience. Did you know that there are people on this board that RESCUE gliders from pet shops? Now, if your situation is totally different and I misunderstood you, I apologize. You're welcome to reply to this thread!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Gliderlover,
Subject: none
When: 5:51 PM, 14 Nov 2000

Lu I think you may have misunderstood
Jeff said that he took the other, older babies out of the cage to be sold at a pet store. He didn't take the parents with them (so the parents didn't cannabalize the new babies because of the pet store). He took the older babies out to make room for the younger ones (at least this is what I think, if I am wrong please correct me).


Posted by: Lu,
Subject: none
When: 10:11 PM, 14 Nov 2000

Maybe I did, let me go back and read it again... wink

Posted by: Lu,
Subject: none
When: 10:20 PM, 14 Nov 2000

Ok, I got it now. The point I was trying to make was about taking them to the pet store, though. I wish he'd try to sell them from his own home and not have to put them through the trauma. frown

Posted by: chrissy,
Subject: none
When: 11:59 PM, 14 Nov 2000

feel the same here he should have found them good owners pet stores dont care who buys them....

Posted by: TinaMarie,
Subject: none
When: 1:06 AM, 15 Nov 2000

Can always put add in paper or any thing else. But not a pet store. Cruel. frown frown

Posted by: PreddyFairy
Subject: Yep
When: 5:24 AM, 15 Nov 2000

yep those petstores will sell for twice what they bought them for.. its all about the $$