Posted by: | michael, | Subject: | PLEASE HELP | When: | 8:02 PM, 22 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
PLEASE HELP. Very often when I take out my glider (Gizmo 2 years old) she has a siezure. She then freezes up. She curls up her hands and feet. Doesn't/can't move and drools. I've taken her to the vet but he's not sure. I've increased the amount of protein and calcium but still no change. This has been happening on and off for months now. Please help me I am very worried!
Posted by: | Gliderlover, | Subject: | none | When: | 8:51 PM, 22 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
Michael! I think if your vet doesn't know what to do you need to find a new vet as soon as possible. Seizures are very serious and need medical attention. If she has another seizure please give her some honey water with electrolytes. What diet are you feeding? I hope that someone here can help you more. Angie
Posted by: | Barb, barbloo@yahoo.comS | Subject: | none | When: | 2:57 AM, 23 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
Michael, I've never had a glider with the seizure type of problem you seem to be having; but please keep us posted as I am always interested in learning something new. Could you check back with the breeder re: heritage - where your gliders parents related to each other? Also, is your glider warm enough? Does he seem paralyzed? Please comment in detail about his symptoms, so we can all learn a little. Good luck finding a Vet. (Lots of times they don't know a great deal and someone experienced with gliders can help.) My heart goes out to you, and I do hope you get some answers. (I know how hard it is to see your glider so helpless.)
Posted by: | Dawn, | Subject: | none | When: | 10:56 AM, 23 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
I agree with Angie. Talk with your vet about possible hypoglycemia. Good luck.