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Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: Glider Injury!!!
When: 4:06 PM, 26 Nov 2000

My glider didn't hurt herself but she hurt me!!! My glider, Sydney always likes to play with my earrings, and other piercings, I guess she likes to because they are shiny. Well I just got her out to play and she went straight for my ears, and I have a few piercings in the cartilage of my ear with rings in them. Well she started climbing on my ear and my earrings, and she bit the cartilage of my ear either to the cartilage or all the way through the cartilage, it's so gross, I can't tell. I'm not mad at her, she probably thought it was a chew toy or something. She has never bitten me before except for little nips or whatever. I had no idea they could bite this hard!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Erik,
Subject: none
When: 4:31 PM, 26 Nov 2000

Well, now ya can add that 2nd earring, eh?
They can bite HARD if they want to, or if they think something is harder that a bananna as food.
hope you can still feel your ear
Erik and Co.

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: none
When: 7:01 PM, 26 Nov 2000

ha ha ha, actually I can't feel my ear at the moment, but I can see that she didn't bite all the way still won't stop bleeding though, I think she is the vampire vatiety of sugar gliders, like vampire bats. raspberry

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: none
When: 7:28 PM, 26 Nov 2000

Hi. Make sure you put antibiotic ointment on that. My glider almost pierced my nostril; and I don't know what prompted that one (no shiny jewelry there for me thank you!) Now I am more shy about letting them explore my face!!!

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: none
When: 8:08 PM, 26 Nov 2000

Eek!!! Ok, well my mom put something on it for me, but it's still bleeding after a few hours, lol. I didn't know your ear could bleed that much, but I know you have to be careful about infections up there because doctors really discourage piercing your ear up there, but I got it a long time ago. I hope she never bites me again, that was the first time