Posted by: | Diana, Dchick2001@juno.com | Subject: | California glider | When: | 5:30 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |

I just moved to California and found out that gliders are illegal. I have a seven month old male that I now don't know what to do with. I don't really want to get rid of him, but I also don't want to get in trouble with him. Does anyone have any ideas?
Posted by: | Lauren, scubysnak7@aol.com | Subject: | none | When: | 5:34 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
Do you live near the border where you could go into another state if you needed vet assistance. I say this because it's not like there are pet patrol people who go around checking for illegal pets. I'm not encouraging you to break the law, but if I were in your situation, I would keep my glider and keep my mouth shut. I would look around for a vet who might be willing to see a glider anyway, or go outside the state when looking for vet care. I know people on here will disagree with me, but I couldn't get rid of a pet who I love. I know it's after the fact, but this may be a good lesson for people on here, look up the laws regarding your pets when moving into another state.

Posted by: | kitara | Subject: | its to late | When: | 5:56 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
Lauren its to late for that now..this board is world wide. This glider is in an illegal state and if it is confiscated it very likely would be distroyed..would you do that to your gliders? If you would then that is a very selfish act...this glider needs to be were it will be safe! Kitara

Posted by: | Lauren, scubysnak7@aol.com | Subject: | none | When: | 6:06 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
I don't know what I would do, I probably wouldn't move to a state where they were illegal, but I do know that I would not give up an animal like that. Thats why I said you should find out before you move. I live in FL where almost anything is legal including SG's. Of course I would not want to do that to my glider, but how could they get confiscated if they just live in your house. I mean no one in my neighborhood knows I have one even though they are legal here. If she has had them there with no problems yet...I don't know, thats just my opinion.

Posted by: | Diana, Dchick2001@juno.com | Subject: | none | When: | 6:07 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
No, I am not near the border and I don't know what I would do if he were to get sick or injured. I am afraid that if I look for a local that would treat him I would somehow get him confiscated. If I do decide it would be best to find him another home, how would I advertise it to go about finding him a new owner?

Posted by: | Aks, kackie@bellsouth.net | Subject: | none | When: | 6:22 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
If i were you i would post an add on the internet about him, and interview them to make sure they have the requirments for a glider and ask if you could visit.

Posted by: | Kim-/B2, gliderlove@aol.com | Subject: | none | When: | 6:42 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
If I was you, what I would do is email Kitara at: all_for_gliders@hotmail.com and see if she can help you out. She has a glider rescue and she's in WA.

Posted by: | Lauren, scubysnak7@aol.com | Subject: | none | When: | 7:04 PM, 26 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
Actually, I think I was wrong, I didnt realize they killed animals like that. I think at least temporarily you might want to find someone outside of CA to take care of your glider until you work something out. I didn't know that they were that strict about illegal pets in CA, I know they aren't as strict in GA.

Posted by: | Jasmine, Spookie_Girl@yahoo.com | Subject: | You may be able to keep him... | When: | 12:21 PM, 27 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
Yeah, the fact is that pet most states involve put down pets that isn't legal. There is a lot of bias against exotics, especally in California. California bans ferrets (very foolish since they've been domesticated longer than cats and have been proven not to survive in the wild). Still, don't lose heart, Diana. Investigate the laws carefully before deciding whether or not to give him up. Many states (including California) will allow you to keep an exotic if you moved into the state with it. You'll probably need evidence that you owned him prior to moving to California (ex- vet certificate, breeder's records, etc...). As it is, you should ALWAYS get a vet certificate when moving state to state. I have also seen ads for sugar gliders for sell in California by USDA certified breeders. There may be a loophole somewhere in the laws. There are also vets who will treat animals regardless of their legality. I'd suggest trolling around a few ferret boards to find someone like that, because I know for a fact that MANY people own ferrets in CA. Chances are a good ferret vet would know enough general exotic info to treat a glider. Just be VERY careful, and be ready to find him a good home in case things don't work out.

Posted by: | derek, inferno45@aol.com | Subject: | none | When: | 7:28 PM, 28 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
just keep the glider anyways if you do get busted just say i didnt know they were illegal

Posted by: | Mary/Beck, intr01dc@frank.mtsu.edu | Subject: | none | When: | 9:03 PM, 28 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
CA has a very srtict law the kill the animal if they find it...inlike GA that gives you 24 hrs to get the glider out of the state. CA just takes the animal and kills it. They don't care if you knew they were illegal or not.

Posted by: | joe morris | Subject: | keep 'em | When: | 2:05 AM, 29 Nov 2000 | IP: | |
I've had sugar gliders in California for two years now, no problems with the law. Keep them and don't worry about it.
