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Posted by: Lin
Subject: Update, BAD NEWS
When: 9:21 AM, 08 Dec 2000

Id like to say thanks for all the help and advice you all gave me for my baby girl, only 8-10wks oop, "Tiny". But, despite all the help and me driving her down to glider rescue, Irish Cream, she passed away, yesterday morning. We dont know why. I keep thinking that I can go and get her soon, but I cant. I always heard all the stories of these happy and healthy gliders living so long. Some do. Looking for a glider? Dont get one unless you get alot of information on the breeder. Even though I asked tons of people, it didnt help me. I didnt find out that it was a bad place till after I had already gotten her. There are great places to get one out there. Even if you have to drive a couple hours, its worth it knowing that you have a good chance. My baby girl didnt. Now, Im too afraid that this will happen again. I havent deceided yet. I hope this helps someone else who wants a glider. Be Careful! These are gentle, fragile creatures.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: star, teverett
Subject: none
When: 9:36 AM, 08 Dec 2000

I am sorry for your loss

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 10:20 AM, 08 Dec 2000

I'm so, so very sorry for your loss, Lin...I truly am. I just wish I were closer. If you were, I'd probably give you one of my joeys -something I have never done, even for a friend. The two little girls I have are my great, greats and they are about 3 months OOP and very healthy. I hope you won't give up on gliders: I know you'll make a good mom. (In your case, I think I'd demand my $$ back from the breeder and turn him/her in.....It really makes me furious to know what happened to you.) I'm sure your dear Tiny is in glider heaven with my Jessica Joy. Take care, and let us know if you decide to get another glider, and this time I'd demand a 30 day health guarantee. Good luck and God bless, Lin.
frown frown

Posted by: Lu,
Subject: none
When: 10:41 AM, 08 Dec 2000

I'm so sorry, Linda. I got Winky from a pet shop and got lucky, very lucky that she turned out ok. I hadn't done any research untill after I got her. I wish I had! What a huge commitment... I love her and will not give up on her ever, but I wish I knew before.
I am trully sorry about your loss.

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 2:41 PM, 08 Dec 2000

Lin: I am very very sorry.....please do get your money back from the breeder...and also report them to the USDA. You can get their liscence taken away so that they can't do this to anyone else.

I know it will not help your pain but maybe some day you will be able to get another glider from a better breeder.

Posted by: Lin
Subject: Mary/Beck
When: 2:52 PM, 08 Dec 2000

Thanks for posting. I emailed the store who sold her to me, but have not gotten a response. How do I report them, Im sure other people have reported them. I heard alot of bad stories AFTER I bought her. I dont think they are going to give me my money back. I hope to maybe get another one someday, or maybe soon. Thanks for posting.

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 4:55 PM, 08 Dec 2000

I am so sorry for your loss. I know that everything possible was done for your Tiny.
I agree with everyone else that you should definitely demand your money back even if it means taking them to court and reporting them to the USDA to have their license revoked.

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: Lin
When: 5:02 PM, 08 Dec 2000

I am so very sorry, I know that both you and IC are torn up about this. She is not handleing this well at all either. My prayers go to both of you during this time. Please before you do anything with the USDA please talk to IC, As much as I would love to see this breeder go down, there are also circumstances you need to watch out for. Again, I am so sorry, "Tiny" had the best care available to her. That I am sure of. My thoughts, my prayers..

Posted by: Jill,
Subject: none
When: 6:37 PM, 08 Dec 2000

I am so sorry for your loss frown

Posted by: Kimi,
Subject: none
When: 8:56 PM, 08 Dec 2000

O Lin, I am so very sorry. I wish I could do something to help.... Please if you just want to talk or something drop me an em.

Posted by: emily,
Subject: none
When: 11:45 AM, 09 Dec 2000

i feel for your loss. i bought my sugar glider from a dealer who i later found out was feeding her gliders cheap dog food. i dont know how well she took care of him. also, i got my baby for an almost suspiciously good price, $70. he seems the picture of health now, but who knows. i love him very much now, and i have only had him for a week, i know how horrible it would be if i lost him know. i hope you will decide to get a glider again, there the best animals in the world

Posted by: Robin,
Subject: none
When: 7:22 PM, 09 Dec 2000

Lin, Thank you so much for sharing your story with all us and keeping us all updated, despite the pain. I'm thinking of you and hoping you will try again as soon as you feel ready.

Posted by: Lin
Subject: thanks
When: 10:42 AM, 11 Dec 2000

Thanks to all the responds to my post. Im still hurt from my loss, but will heal. I want to get a new one, but still scared that I be unlucky again. Everyone remember to thank Irish cream. She is a great person who did her BEST to try and save "Tiny". Thanks I.C. dont be a stranger! raspberry