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Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: Great Idea-Not :(
When: 5:58 PM, 26 Sep 2000

Ever have one of those ideas that sounded great at the time, but definitely WAS NOT frown Well, that was me last night.
Woodstock aka Woodie is not much of a pocket glider, but he has gone in there a few times. Well, of course, we would all like to have them as "pocket pets" so I decided that I would put his absolute favorite food in my pocket. Now keep in mind that he is not particularly fond of grapes, which seems to be the preferred pocket food.
Can't believe I actually put a meal worm in my pocket. OH, YES, IT WORKED!! BUT, he proceeded to go straight into my pocket - boy was I happy - grab the mealie and perch himself on my left shoulder crunching away right in my ear. The sound was more than I could stand, so I guess I won't be doing that anymore raspberry
I wasn't going to post this, but then I thought - why not, these people don't really know me ;)

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Ms. Shell,
Subject: LOL!
When: 6:05 PM, 26 Sep 2000

Karen, ever consider a pine nut or a pistachio? LOL! I'm with you on this one... and many people here DO know me! The ones that do can attest to the fact that I'm the biggest priss on the planet! It takes everything I have in me to get the mealies out of the container... with tweezers!
Just goes to prove there's plenty of room for us wimps here in the glider world! hehe

Posted by: April,
Subject: Kessie and her mealie
When: 6:14 PM, 26 Sep 2000

My baby Kessie did something like that like you Ms Shell I take the mealie out with tweezers and I gave one to Kessie and she bit it in half and munch on the half in her mouth and put the other half in my hand eeewww yuck is all I could say!


Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 6:16 PM, 26 Sep 2000

Guess I forgot to mention that I DON'T TOUCH MEALIES. Tweezers were made for mealies. That's how I got it in my pocket raspberry

Posted by: Kim-,
Subject: none
When: 6:19 PM, 26 Sep 2000

Wow, well.. wait until you guys experience a glider eating the skin of a mouse or rat pinkie, dragging it down into your bra and smearing it all on your chest. Thats really interesting! Didn't bother me any.

Posted by: Ms. Shell,
Subject: Yeah! :)
When: 6:19 PM, 26 Sep 2000

Yeah! I'm not the only priss here! Ya know, us prisses gotta stick together! On the other end of the spectrum are those who have tasted the mealies and fed live pinkies in their POCKETS! Sound like anybody we know and love? hehe

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: hehe
When: 9:45 PM, 26 Sep 2000

I couldn't stand bugs at all before gliders. The first time I had to get out a meal worm I had a hard time...but Peep loves them so much I don't mind at all now. I pull them out no big deal...but crickets are a much different thing..they move around way too much..and are too fast!

I think if I can touch a mealworm so can everyone else!!

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: none
When: 11:32 PM, 26 Sep 2000

I actually love to hear them smack their little chops! I think it sounds so cute. One day
(I swear this really happened!) SugarRay was in my mom's shirt and she thought he was just biting her really hard but it turns out he was eating a skin tag off her shoulder! YIKES! I couldn't stop laughing because he was just smacking away on a piece of my mom!! She was very disturbed and has not held him since. That story still makes me laugh. And it's totally disgusting but...Oh well!

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 11:35 PM, 26 Sep 2000

EEEEWWWW Rachel2, that is disgusting!

Posted by: Tigger,
Subject: he thought i was his fav: food
When: 1:22 AM, 27 Sep 2000

well I posted on the old board about he bit me & since,cuddles my male glider ,jumped down on my arm when it was in the cage & bit me soooo!! hard that he drew blood , he acted like I was his favrite food or something , he bit me about 5 times ,so I had 5 little bloody spots on my arm, (boy I tell you , the next day my arm was sooo! sore)

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: ROFLOL
When: 2:07 AM, 27 Sep 2000

I must say Karen , I can see you squirming now.
lol.. kim I DO know about the mouse remember a live one in my pocket.. gosh i will never forgive Baybe for that one, and I am not a priss. but by Dog that was disgusting..Kim, Maria, Jane. I can hear you laughing cause you guys can see my face as I am typing.. LOL uuugghhh.. LOL
Kareen, we had a good friend, we don't see her around much anymore, her name was Diana, and let me tell you, she was the absolute worse when it comes to bugs. I think several years later, she still uses chop sticks with hers. if she cold she would have used a bulldozer..she used to call it the eeeewwwwy dance, she would jump up and down and yell.... but there are other things, but as I am, I would have to say GET USED TO IT raspberry ..LOL
just kidding.. no, i am not. your gliders love them, they need them. I had a woman it took her a week just to touch one, in order to get one of my gliders. she practiced all day just touching them.. now she is an old pro at it , dumps them right into her hand and goes. She would Do ANYTHING for her glider.... okay bring it on Maria, MS Shell and others that can't stand them, my skin has toughened, and I know you where you are going to tell me to go, and I will be willing to bet it ISN'T on vacation smile

Posted by: April,
Subject: Hey Rachel2
When: 9:11 AM, 27 Sep 2000

Tell your mom I understand the skin tag thing. I have a couple of moles on my back and when I first got Kessie I would put the two shirts on like you are supposed to well Kessie went under both shirts to get closer to my skin and I thought it was her nails digging in my skin well when it was time to go to bed I put Kessie back in her cage and took the first shirt off. My husband grabbed (which scared the living daylights out of me didn't know he was there) he said there was blood on my shirt and he checked my back and sure enough Kessie had been biting the moles. I still have them I don't let her go down my back any more he he he. Although I have a friend whose husband was playing with one of their gliders and the glider decided to take a bite out of his nipple from I understand he was not very happy he he he.


Posted by: Eva And Stefan,
Subject: none
When: 12:05 PM, 27 Sep 2000

I make Stefan touch the mealies! LOL ;)

Posted by: {IA}Wasup, not telling
Subject: So......
When: 3:31 PM, 27 Sep 2000

So what. My little darling always eats mealworms on my shoulder.

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: none
When: 10:32 PM, 27 Sep 2000

I knew my little story would make SOMEONE scream! Ha ha ha! Rocki's Mom is the winner!

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 10:39 PM, 27 Sep 2000

Rachel2, I didn't scream, mine eat mealworms on my shoulder all the time, I just thought your post was disgusting!

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: none
When: 1:12 AM, 28 Sep 2000

You scrame at my story! lol I don't think your a wuss...don't worry...

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 7:39 AM, 28 Sep 2000

Wasn't worried Rachel2.....and didn't scream, more like vomited

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: none
When: 10:45 AM, 28 Sep 2000

OK, I'll admit it, mealies took me a while too (anything magotty gives me the creeps), even though I'm a mighty fisher-woman who will put any other squirmy thing (including leaches) on a hook if it will get me a fish. What grosses me out is when my gliders eat their bugs on my shoulder, then spit out the, ahem, "eartly remains" in my hair! I think they do it to get a rise out of me. The little stinkers do it on the sly now, so sometimes I don't find their little "gifts" until later. Bleeah!

Posted by: JAx,
Subject: crickets on my shoulder
When: 11:41 AM, 28 Sep 2000

ugh, i made the mistake of letting them run up my arm to eat a few crickets one night. well ya know how they bite off the head and then kinda shake thier adorable little head to get rid of anything in their mouths they don't like? oh this still makes me squirm.... i have one on each shoulder and they did it both at the same time. i had two dead chricket head shaken right into my hair. i put them away as fast as i could, and ran for my boyfriend. i made him het in the shower with me so i could wash my hair after he helped my pull them out. it was ICKY.. lol

Posted by: Kim-,
Subject: none
When: 11:58 AM, 28 Sep 2000

LOL, Ok.. I think that story takes the cake!! That was truly funny, yet disgusting and I like it best of all the icky bug stories.

Posted by: April,
Subject: none
When: 12:38 PM, 28 Sep 2000

I agree Kim that one was the best.


Posted by: JAx,
Subject: cricket heads
When: 7:38 PM, 28 Sep 2000

ick, i didn't realize what they had done at first, then i happened to see a bit off head fling past my face and land on my jeans. i can handle picking them up and putting them in a baggie to freeze, but not the heads in my hair. now they all have to lone up on the top of the cage when i click my tounge at them to get a cricket. well cept for Bee-Bop. she's on a diet. smile