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Posted by: Jim,
Subject: I have babies coming
When: 12:25 AM, 29 Dec 2000

Hello all,
Well I have read the pros and cons, and have decided to try trio breeding....My gliders, two females and one male have been living together for quite some time, I noticed that the one female has ONE baby in her pouch and she is doing well, and I then noticed a week later, her sister has TWO babies in her pouch....I do not anticipate any jeoulousy and I think they will all help one another.....Like I said very RARELY they give a nip, and that usually consist around food on the finger tip, so they are MEGA friendly...Any input would be nice.....Thanks

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Kim,
Subject: none
When: 5:56 AM, 29 Dec 2000

What is the fascination with trio breeding?? I hate that.. I cant tell you how many people Ive had come looking for help that had joey problems from trio breeding. I dont see why people put trio's together knowing its a risky thing- its like creating lives and seeing whether or not they live or are killed. Senseless. Whats wrong with pairs?

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 12:33 PM, 29 Dec 2000

Jim: I do gope this works out for you, but at this point it is too early to tell. Sisters will eat each others babies as late as the babies being 3 or 4 weeks oop. So until they are fully weaned you won't realy know if this is working. I believe from what i =read you may have a better chance since they are both having babies....they will be preoccupied with their own babies..but if one feels that the other ones babies is a threat to her own then she will try to kill them. This has nothing to do with jealousy over the other glider..this has to do with the gliders nature. In the wild they must protect their own babies by hiding for long periods of time. They feel threatened when other gliders get near by and will attack if they feel their baby is threatened. In the wild this happens a lot..and they ahve a lot more space to hide in the if they are keept in the same cage this happens very often.

Posted by: Jim,
Subject: none
When: 9:29 PM, 02 Jan 2001

Thank you Mary.....And Kim, read on......I am NOT trying trio breeding.....Let me make that clear...We had two seperate cages, one for the male, and the other for the two females, after weeks and weeks of them being side by side, we decided to let them all out together during what we call Glider time.....They all took to one another like the knew each other forever, so a little at a time we let them in each others cage, and then put the girls in his and him in theirs, and finally all together, they could not be split up.....He cried and moaned all night, so we gave into him....He was a baby when this was done....Well our Vet has not neutured a male yet, and I was waiting until she was ready, But in the meantime he got to the girls, I know, of course he did.......I feel shamed that I allowed this, and I will take care of the babies....Don't judge me for we are good people.....I am NOT allowing them to breed JUST to see the babies get killed.....