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Posted by: baby and thuggy,
Subject: please help!!!!!!!!!!!!
When: 2:24 PM, 14 Jan 2001

i just bought a boy sugar glider. he is 17weeks and he is having trouble walking across the bars and he wobbles and his eyes are sometimes squinted. wuts wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just bought him on thursday and today is saturday! please any one help!!!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: April
Subject: vet
When: 4:28 PM, 14 Jan 2001

get him to a vet ASAP.


Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: Calcium deficient!
When: 3:08 PM, 14 Jan 2001

Oh my gosh! It sounds like he is having a calcium deficiency. He is wobbling and dragging his back legs due to Hing Leg Paralysis. YOU MUST GET HIM TO A VET ASAP!!!!!!! He needs to get a calcium supplement and the vet can give him a shot under the skin of calcium. You would have to make sure he has an excellent diet and I recommend the BML. Along with the calcium that you'd probably get from the vet. Go to Bourbon's info page from the links on top of this page and go to the Real Stories to HLP. You can print out some of these stories for the vet to see if she/he isn't familiar with HLP or just to help out with more info for the vet. If you don't start correcting this condition, your poor glider will die. ALSO, THAT BREEDER WASN'T USING A VERY GOOD DIET BECAUSE FOR A GLIDER THIS YOUNG TO ALREADY GET HLP MEANS HE'S NOT FEEDING THEM A GOOD DIET. Check with him what he was feeding them and let him know what has happened and maybe you can give him info on the BML and maybe since he gave you a glider with something wrong with him he'd be willing to help you out with the vet bill. He may want to trad you for a healthier glider to make up for things but then considering what he's feeding them to begin with means that that glider will eventually end up the same way. HE HAS TO CHANGE THE DIET! Anyway, I would suggest not to trade for one that may seem healthy. Take care of this poor guy since he needs your help badly! Try to save his life. He may have a chance and make it and that would make you feel closer to him as well as him to you because you helped him when he was sick. Please take care of him and take him to the VETS!!!!!!!!! Thanks and not any of this is an order (like talking to the breeder and you can't make him change a diet but suggest it). Sorry if it sounds that way. I feel strongly about this and hope all goes well. I'LL BE PRAYING FOR YOU!!!!!! Thanks! Let us know pleas how all goes. smile