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Posted by: Kayla,
Subject: I Need help on CAGES!!
When: 1:14 PM, 21 Jan 2001

I was veiwing other people's cages for their gliders online and I saw a picture of this one girl's cage. It looked like a curio cabnet with two doors. It was made from wood and glass. It looked like a really good idea. I was thinking about useing her idea if I get a glider. Is this safe? How can I make sure my gliders get enough air??

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: wouldn't recommend it
When: 1:16 PM, 21 Jan 2001

I'd be concerned about the wood -- only certain kinds are safe, and I'd be worried about stained/painted wood(gliders will probably chew on it). Personally, I wouldn't use glass around my kiddos. It would be a neat-looking cage, but probably not the safest.

Posted by: Shannon,
Subject: Cages
When: 1:20 PM, 21 Jan 2001

The wood would start to stink after time because their urine and waste would be absorbed. That is the same reason many people don't use nesting boxes, but pouches instead. If you have a male, he will mark on the wood also, and that would stink too.