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Posted by: T-Bag,
Subject: Companions
When: 3:51 PM, 29 Sep 2000

Does anyone know about how one of these animals would handle living with a rodent, like a guinea pig?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Not well at all
When: 4:15 PM, 29 Sep 2000

A glider would most likely kil arodent. They are very territorial,and do not do well in most cases when put with other species. In the wild gliders do eat small mice and birds. Some pople here feed them pinkey mice. I have seen people post that they were upset ebcause their glider ate ther pet mouse, hamster, or bird. I have never seen anyone posy about a guinea pig...but I would notchance it They are nothing a like and would probabl not get alonewell. It woud be okay to keep them seperatly as pets..but please do not allow them to interact with each other.

Posted by: T-Bag,
Subject: none
When: 4:27 PM, 29 Sep 2000

Let me give you a little info on the pigs. As far as intelligence goes they are pretty dull animals and are very docile. They are not very active and are not aggressive in the slightest. I'm not quite sure how the two would interact seeing how pigs dont climb nor run in wheels.

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: I have had them before
When: 4:40 PM, 29 Sep 2000

I have had hem before but ot at he same time as gliders. Gliders are ather wild runing and juping all over the place. Evn if the animal never moves or moves slowly the glider will recognize the smell of another animal. Gluders are curioys..and will investigate. My glider hasescaped out of the cae times while way putting in food and the cat as laying on the be asleep. Both times he immedietly went after her making all kinds of noise.He knw she was there and he went straight for her. I grabbed the cat befpre anything happened but I believe the glider was gling to bite the cat..and thenwho knows what she would have done. Gliers are very territorial and they do not like having oher animals in their space. I do not think they could actually eat a guinea pig.but they could attack it They have sharp enough teet that they could cause the pig to start bleeding....the pig coud suffer damages frm this..and if you didn't notice could bleed to death. Also what do you feed the pug? Most feed some type of rodent pelleted food.this woul not be good for the glider.andthe glider would get into it if the food was in the cage. I also don't think they wold have the same caging requirements at all. The species are very different and I do not think they would get along. don't really thing the glider would be harmed by th pig..but it could if the pig were to attack in defense. You nver know wat an animal mightdo when stressed about bite. A big one could even sit or lay ona glide and injur them. There are so many different things that could hapen..I personally don't tink its a good idea at all. This is ofcourse your choice because no one can tell you what to do, but I would be realy never know what a glider might do.