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Posted by: Danila
Subject: Do they like water?
When: 11:53 PM, 14 Oct 2000

Does anybody spray their gliders with a spray bottle, do they like it???

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: none
When: 12:07 AM, 15 Oct 2000

GLiders are not like birds. They do not like wet baths. They are more like cats in the sense that they groom themselves with their tongue.

Posted by: Gliderlover
Subject: none
When: 12:46 AM, 15 Oct 2000

Gliders would definitely NOT like to be sprayed with water, in fact it could cause them to catch cold. They do need to always have water to drink in a bottle or dish. But they aren't like reptiles, they do not absorb water through their skin, and they dont need baths like birds. Sugar gliders are excellant at grooming themselves and dont need any help. smile