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Posted by: Robin,
Subject: Diet Issues
When: 10:53 PM, 15 Oct 2000

Thank you to everyone who has offered suggestions for my picky eater.

After a week of trying to feed her Leadbeater's, I've finally given up. I'm now back to giving her Brisky's pellets, which is what she ate when I got her from the breeder. She eats this quite well, but I did not initially know this was a "complete" diet and offered her other fun stuff, too. I hate to feed her just this plain stuff when she's finally decided she likes frozen veggies and some fruit.

Is it harmful, or too much, to feed Brisky's with a few pieces of frozen veggies (peas, corn, carrots, and green beans) and a slice of apple?
She also enjoys baby cereal mixed with baby juice and honey. She only eats a few pellets a night (maybe 6 or 7) and eats her other stuff, but I would like to make sure that it's healthy.

She did have her first mealie tonight! It took a lot of convincing (and dicing...UGH!!!) but she finally ate one.

Thank you all for so much help as I try to figure out the best diet for my spoiled baby!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Gliderlover,
Subject: Briskey's complete diet?
When: 11:28 PM, 15 Oct 2000

I just cant picture Briskeys as being a complete diet. If someone can help me figure out why Briskeys is a complete diet, I would very much appreciate it. After reading the ingredients it sounds a lot like other foods fed like the Mazuri pellets. I would feed fruits, vegetables and insects with this diet because it doesn't really seem to make up for the nutrients found in these foods. It would also be very boring if a glider only ate these pellets, so why is it harmful to give other foods like fruits, vegies and insects? I'm sorry to ask, but I have not seen any reason to call Briskeys a complete diet. Thanks

Angie smile

Posted by: Bourbon,
Subject: leadbeaters...
When: 2:51 AM, 16 Oct 2000

okay Robin, please email me, as we have figured out ways to make it work, we do know most gliders that don't eat it, because of the smell, i canhelp you in that area..
Angie, briskys was designed as a sole diet.. on my diets page it is stated why not to feed it with other items..we don't know how he got his figures. if they are actually a balanced diet, but that is what we are told, now, it comes down to if in doubt don't. mind Brisky doesn't pass out answwers to many q's at all regarding his diet. We have been going over his diet tonight and someone IS going to ask him some q's.. now whether or not it will change or decide anything we won't know for sure. By the way it is a BIG difference between the mazuri and the briskys.. but mazuri is not inteneded to be fed as a sole diet. We can not say that Briskys is an unhealthy diet without having the scientific facts to back them up, I can and will however say in MY opinion.. i don't trust his diet based on the research I have done, not as a sole diet anyway. now will I go as far as to say i would feed other things with it.. NO because we already KNOW that will through off their balance if it is. it was designed on the 25/75 rule if some one adds lets say 15 % more fruits and veggies to that, the ratios just got dropped from the 25/75 to a 10/90 which we know is unhealthy. Where Briskys fall into the line I don't know. I myself don't trust any commercial "sole diet feeds" for any animal.. but this will come up for later discussion i promise, and you will be part of it i am sure.

Posted by: collette,
Subject: none
When: 6:25 AM, 16 Oct 2000

bourbon, i'm bad on those ratios. just because that's what we put in the cage doesn't mean that's the way they get eaten. i put meat, veggies, fruit , yougurt, baby cereal, juice, glideraide out there for them and i pick the dishes back up half eaten one day and empty the next, 3/4's another day and so on. they eat what they feel like on any given night they don't go "Oh , i need 25/75 of this so i'll stop on the protien tonight and go to my veggies." so if someone puts brisky's in the cage with other food they eat what they want how do we know the ratios?

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: thats just it though
When: 7:28 AM, 16 Oct 2000

Collette, that is just it though, lets take this example where they are not eating thee leadbeaters, they are however eating the fruits, veggies and Briskys. If the leadbeaters were removed, then what do we have? If they each only eat 1 piece of briskys, and the the fruits and veggies, well we do know that the ratios would be thrown all outta whack.. This was something Cynthia and I have discussed in full. the same thing scares us both, the fact is we don't know what they will eat which means it always leaves the door open for an inbalance. okay lets say that they eat the leadbeaters and Briskys. and not the fruits and veggies.. again we are dealing with two totally complete plans, that are being modified depending on what they are prefering.
When Cynthia talked about we both know both plans, her fav being the bpp, mine of course being the BML, okay why offer 2 complete plans at the same time, and take the chance of the inbalance? even with the BML, i try to work individually with those that have a problem with the gliders not eating the "complete plan", but as you said there is still no guarentee, but if they are eating some leadbeaters, some fruits and veggies, and the insects, at least we know it is all part of the ssame diet plan. no matter which plan you use you will always run into those times, when they only eat bits and pieces.. Okay here is a q? how many pieces make up the total nutritional value of briskys? we don't know that, if it is 4 pieces and they only eat 2 then what?, if it is 6 and they only eat 3 then what?. Basically it is the same with any diet. We can only offer them a healthy choice, we can't force feed them oviously, and we sure are not going to take what is in the bowl left run it down each day and analyis each mmorning and try to make up the difference the next day. But as long as we are offering 1 plan then we can work with just the one. Briskys diet sure wasn't designed to be fed with mine, nor was mine designed to be fed with his. But one of the biggest problems we have seen, is the combining of several diet pans at each sitting.. some have broken it down to where they offer one on one day, and yet another on another day. but at least they are not being offered together or in parts. I do not believe that you should starve you glider to make them eat, which is why we have worked on ways that the gliders that don't like the BML, that they do.
Collette, you have been around a long time now, you see this same thing. Peoples gliders get sick, dietary reasons, and they are using so many different things , that it is hard to pinpoint where the problem may be. All we can do is offer them what we know is healthy. This is a problem with no matter what diet is being discussed, whether it is for a dog or a human. But for the gliders, it is obvious that if not offered healthy choices, they falter, we see it in the HLP, in the intestional blockages, in the fatty livers, and other dietary disorders. The difference between us and the glider is we can voluntaryily go to the doctor if we don't feel well, and we can tell the doctor what ails us. The gliders can't. So it is up to us to do the best we can for them. BTW I have seen gliders that have been on unhealthy diets, have no problems switching over to one that is. could it be because they know what they are missing? Who knows, I would like to say yes. But I also see like a child where they will drink juice and eat corn, and not touch the rest. With them we have to have an element of trust that they will eat most of what we offer them, but with that also comes the trust, that we will offer them a healthy diet, after all who else do they have to depend on?

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 1:35 PM, 18 Oct 2000

I am happy to report that Robin's picky eater really wasn't so picky after all, we made a few diet changes and she emailed me this "Yea! She ate all of it...two mealies, 1 tsp Leadbeater's with 1/2
tsp applesauce, 6 pcs of corn and 7 pieces raw sweet potato about the size of corn all on top of this."
she also reported she ate it all, so she is going to increase the amounts tonight.

Way to go KiKi !!

We just went back to the basic recipe, and added applejuice. From there we bagan working, mind you it wasn't that tough, the first modification we made, made a huge difference.

If you are trying to offer the leadbeaters and they will not eat it, please contact me directly. with a list of fav foods, in order of preferance and foods they will not touch, what changes you have made in the mix and why.

Posted by: Gliderlover,
Subject: none
When: 9:17 PM, 18 Oct 2000

I'm so glad that your glider is eating her leadbeaters Robin!! A little more apple juice seems to make a big difference in most situations where a glider wont eat its leadbeaters!

(this post was moderated and copied over to start a new thread regarding the change of topic)

Posted by: Robin,
Subject: none
When: 8:32 PM, 19 Oct 2000

You guys are so great! I just can't help but love this bunch!

She woke up late last nite and ate most of her Leadbeaters and veggies, but I did increase the amount on the second nite and it may have been a little too much.

The idea of her mealies in the morning is great. She slid down two before we went to work and she stayed in a good mood all day, even letting me take her out to show her off.

I'm still working on trying to get her to eat new things, but at this point I will settle for Leadbeaters with fruit and veggies. If we make more no progress, at least I know she's on her way to a healthier, longer life.

Thanks again to all for your advice. You're the best!