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Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: Bug/board Problems Thread
When: 11:49 PM, 17 Sep 2000

if you find any problems in the board could you please post it here, that way Eric can get them fixed, and everyone else will be aware oof it. When Eric Fixes it, he will also post here that it is fixed.. Thank you..
He has already fixed the ca:ph problem as well as the other problem.. any more that you come across will also be addressed..

Follow Ups:

Posted by: IrishCreme
Subject: not a problem - a suggestion.
When: 11:34 PM, 04 Oct 2000

Is there any way to integrate a search into the msg. board? It would make it easier to find relevent posts.
Also, how about a "return to 1st page" button at the bottom of each page? That way, when someone wanders through the pages past page 10, returning to the current discussions wouldnt involve poking the previous page button repeatedly.

Just a few ideas.

Posted by: Eric Coleman ,
Subject: none
When: 11:36 PM, 06 Oct 2000

The CGI error for the guestbook was taken care of a few days ago. And now there is a link to return to the first page after you start reading other pages. Also, if you bookmark a message, the "Return to Messages" link will take you to the first page.