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Posted by: collette,
Subject: sleeping problems
When: 6:56 PM, 19 Sep 2000

every now and then one of my three gliders doesn't sleep in a box or pouch but out side in the cage on the floor or upper shelf exposed to the sun (shade actually) and elements. i thought they always liked a dark hideaway? does this mean she had a fight? i am only worried cos when it gets cold i'm afraid she'll need the warmth of body head and covers.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 7:00 PM, 19 Sep 2000

Is it possible that the sleeping quarters are getting a little cramped for all three? I can't remember what sex you have - if she is not the alpha female then perhaps she is being kicked out.
How about suppling two sleeping quarters and see what happens? This might solve the problem - if it does then she will have the warmth of her own place.
Hope this helps smile

Posted by: collette,
Subject: none
When: 4:49 AM, 20 Sep 2000

there are two quarters. one is a cardboard box i exchange every so many days of pee and poo!! it's either a cereal box or empty supply box from work, the other is a pouch,. the pouch does seem small for more than two but the box is big enough for three or more. i'm not always sure it is the female but most of the time it is, i have a wife husband and son glider.

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 4:09 PM, 20 Sep 2000

Right now I have the same combination in one cage that you do, and they are still sleeping together. My joey ooped 6/14. It is becoming evident that I will need to take him out very soon.
Maybe it is your male joey who is being pushed out by dad. Possibly it is time to separate them. How old is the male joey now?

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: pouches
When: 4:41 PM, 20 Sep 2000

I have found that the gliders I have had much prefer the pouches to boxes, so maybe you should add another pouch. If they are being kicked out, then they may not like the box. Think about it would you like to sleep in a hard box, or a soft pouch. I would also prefer the pouch.

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 5:21 PM, 20 Sep 2000

I have found that mine also like the ferret hammocks. I use one on the bottom and then put another one on top of it so they feel like they are hiding. I just love it when they wake up and stick their little heads through the two hammocks ;P too cute for words.

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Ferret anything!
When: 7:03 PM, 20 Sep 2000

It seems that they love most any of the ferret sleeping things. They like some of the ferret tunnels also, but boy are those big for them.

Posted by: John Derek,
Subject: Sleeping
When: 8:48 AM, 21 Sep 2000

There are many different things you can do for nests/sleeping quarters. However if your glider wants or sleeps outside do not let them sleep in the DIRECT sun. This is not healthy.

The only other thing I can add is that one of my gliders was from a pet store, in a tank of coarse. Because of this when I brought him home he would fall asleep on the bottom of the cage. Every morning for about a week when I went out I had to move him to the pouch. Once in he would stay. He now goes in on his own now. The only thing I can think of is that he did not know to go in the pouch of could not find it. It’s just a thought. This may or may not apply.:)

Posted by: collette,
Subject: none
When: 4:19 PM, 21 Sep 2000

i'm going to get some ferret sleeping things. they were all in the pouch the other night but one was buried on the bottom. the males are both neuetered and seem to get along. they aren't in direct sunlight but that did bother me. sometimes the sun does get into the cage. if i get a ferret tube thats lined with fleece will any glider in the middle suffocate?

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: Ferret Tube
When: 6:24 PM, 21 Sep 2000

I wouldn't think there would be a suffocation hazard, however, I would think it will be hard to clean.
That's why I like the hammocks - they can be removed and thrown in the washer. I just let mine air dry overnight. I keep 4 to 6 on hand at all times - of course, I didn't buy that many all at once smile

Posted by: Jim, GREYHOLL@aol,com
Subject: none
When: 7:45 PM, 21 Sep 2000

Try using an old t-shirt and tie both arms, and the bottom, this will have your smell and create warmth, they are cheap, and easy to wash, and they love crawling on them and sleeping in them...Just a thought////