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Posted by: Kerry
Subject: Scented Candles
When: 2:57 PM, 24 Oct 2000


I was wondering if anyone knows how well sugar gliders and scented candles go together? With the gliders caged of course! I just remember reading some time ago in Bird Talk magazine about how the fumes from scented candles were bad (and sometimes fatal) for birds and I was wondering what effect they might have on gliders. I was hoping maybe some glade candles would help out with the glider smell .. . .

Kerry (with Jack and Gus-Gus)

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 3:58 PM, 24 Oct 2000

This has been discussed before. Much of the bird reaserch indicates that the fumes from the candle are harmful even deadlu.....gliders are not any bigger than birds. There is no specific reaserch on gliders and candles but if it is deadly for birds I deffinitly would not have any in the same room as the gliders.

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: none
When: 5:58 PM, 24 Oct 2000

Birds are very sensitive to scents and stuff. They can die even if the fan is on and the air circulates too much, my glider does not seem affected when I put perfume on of spray stuff that she might smell,if you are concerned though I wouldn't take any chances. Also if you get a car air freshener, hang it in your room and it is a safe way to keep the smell good =)

Posted by: unlovedmommy, wretchedscabbedwings@hotmail.c
Subject: none
When: 6:38 PM, 24 Oct 2000

Would insence(spelling?) have the same effect on gliders?

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: Yes
When: 8:49 PM, 24 Oct 2000

Yes they would have the same effect.

Lauren: gliders also have sensitive noses and respiratory systems. There has not been nearly as much reaserch on the effects of gliders. The results may not be the exact same as that of a bird but they are still very senstive small animals.

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 9:00 PM, 24 Oct 2000

I use the glade oil plug ins things in the room. My gliders cages are in the living room and I have one of those plug in things,I keep it on the opposite side of the room, also occasionally I do burn candles in the room, but only one little tealite and it to is way away from them.

Posted by: dagny
Subject: none
When: 8:09 AM, 25 Oct 2000

i use a scented oil in those little pots that heat up. I wouldnt use the really chemically based ones but aveda makes oils that are all natural from plant it i figure it is probably safe (it is not super strong though..) smile

Posted by: The Sugar Pouch,
Subject: Lead in some candle wicks
When: 4:21 PM, 25 Oct 2000

Awhile back, on our local news, there was a story on how it was found that some candle wicks, with the wire running through it, can contain lead.
That they had found that in some homes, where candles were lit on a daily basis, were found to be at the toxic level of lead content. The lead had saturated everything; i.e. the walls, furniture, and those who lived in the home.
They actually even explored with what the candles were actually made of, and you would be totally grossed out at the list that they read off..!!
So, from a fellow candle lover, be careful when purchasing candles. I really try to only get Bees Wax candles. They are a bit more expensive, but smell wonderful..!! Most of the other candles that I have bought, that I am not sure of, usually are for decoration sake, and never burned.
To freshen a room, I have now turned to aroma therapy, using herbs and flower sented waters to spray around my home. I personally love Lavender.
But anyway.. enough of my rambling... good luck on your candle venture..!!

Michelle, aka "The Sugar Glider Nutter"
The Sugar Pouch
proud mommie to Mee'sa & Tico, Luna & Kinks, Sassie & Fraz