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Posted by: Justin,
Subject: hurt glider baby please HELP
When: 9:02 PM, 04 Nov 2000

My glider just got his foot stuck. I have no money to take him to the vet right now he was bleeding, his foot is crimped a little and maybe or probably broke what should i do. Will he be allright should i keep him separate from the others. Also he didn't seem to let it bother him at all no squeels and no sounds at all. Let me know soon. thanks

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 4:43 PM, 07 Nov 2000

If his foot is broken he really needs to go to the vet. The pain could cause him to self mutilate..and if not prpoerlu treated it may not grow back normally.

The vet also needs to give you soemthing that is safe to use on animals to prevent infections.

Posted by: David
Subject: none
When: 7:35 PM, 17 Nov 2000

frown frown frown frown frownfrownfrownfrownfrownfrownfrownfrown

Posted by: Jasmine,
Subject: HEY!
When: 11:50 PM, 17 Nov 2000

Would you not see a doctor to save a buck? Would you let your child walk around on a broken foot? Trust me. He's in pain. Animals don't usually show it until it's too late. Lots of horrible things could come of not getting him treated right away. At the least, he could become permanently crippled, but at the worst the infection could spread and his foot could die and drop off. The infection could also spread to the rest of his body and KILL HIM. Get a credit card. Borrow money from relatives.

If you truly love this little animal and don't have the money to take him to a vet, you should place him with someone who does. I'm sure there are plenty of people on this board who would volunteer to help you out with that, and if it comes between letting him suffer or giving him away you need to think about what's best for him.