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Posted by: Kathy, Kathy1toy
Subject: 1st Visit
When: 1:15 PM, 06 Nov 2000

Hello, I just want to say that I,m really enjoying this web site. I have 6 SG's and couldn't bear to be without them.I started my little family this past Feb. And it's certainly been a learning experience. I purchased a breeding pair first. Then I purchased 4 babies,1 male and 3 females. And I find this site very informative and helpful. People here understand exactly how I feel about these little friends of mine. So I will be back often to visit. And I wish to thank you for being here. Kathy

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Tina Marie,
Subject: none
When: 1:29 PM, 06 Nov 2000

Great to meet you !!!! I also love this site because there are many people who understand the love that you can have for these wonderful little guys! And they sure do know alot !

Posted by: Tina Marie,
Subject: none
When: 1:31 PM, 06 Nov 2000

Hey, you should come over and chat with us some time !