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Posted by: Billie,
Subject: calcium
When: 10:53 AM, 27 Nov 2000

I have 4 gliders at this time. The first one that I got eats a mixture of hedgehog, monkey and cat food. This was made and sold to me by the breeder that I bought her from and is supposed to supply her with all the calcium that she needs. I got a 2nd glider from the same breeder and he was only 3 weeks OOP because his mother had died and I had to feed him (mother's puppy milk) from a bottle for the first 3 weeks. He will not eat the dry mixture that the other one eats no mater what. I need to get him some type of calcium supplement. What do you suggest? Also I was given 2 female gliders (sisters) that will be 3 in March and the lady that gave them to me had been giving them Super Preen (she said that it was calcium for birds) and I have not been able to find it any where. So I bought some powder stuff called Rep-Cal that is for Reptiles and Amphibians because the people at Petsmart said that it would work fine if I sprinkled a small amount on their food once a week. I didn't want to try it until I found out from some one else if they had used it or heard of it. If anyone can help me out with this please e-mail me or post a message here. Thanks.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 11:42 AM, 27 Nov 2000

I would suggest you switch diets all together. Neither diet you are currently feeding is healthy for the gliders. Please go here <a href=></a> and chose a diet. Most of us here on the board use Bourbon's Modified Leadbeaters. It is a wonderful complete diet. You use the Rep-Cal in the leadbeaters mix and they get it everyday. If you would like to talk about it one on one, feel free to email me or my aol im name is gliderdance. Best wishes. wink

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 5:09 PM, 28 Nov 2000

I agree! None of your gliders are on good diets. Please read the link above and find a proven glider diet there.

Posted by: Sheila,
Subject: none
When: 10:08 PM, 28 Nov 2000

Billie, If you mix up the Leadbetters diet, you will put the Repcal in it and no other supplement of calcium is needed.