The first sound you'll hear from a sugar glider is quite startling, considering their small size and appearance. I think it was Tim Hussey who first described it as They also make a One thing I can't stress enough, so you will probably see it repeated often in these pages, is that gliders should NEVER be kept singly. They just don't handle it well, because they are community dwellers and need the companionship of others of their kind to the point that they will actually die without it. If you are planning to get only one to save money, don't. You'll end up buying three because the first one will die and you'll know you have to buy two the next time. So it's better to just wait until you can get two, and save yourself the grief and expense of losing the first one! When they get annoyed at each other, they make chattering sounds that are very difficult to describe. They have a lot of "S" sounds in them, and sometimes it really sounds like they're cussing each other out. Other times it almost sounds like sneezing. When our second male arrived, the female had already been here for a few weeks, and he was very uncomfortable about her insistence on sniffing every inch of his fur. He sounded like he was saying "shook 'em, shook 'em!" in a loud whisper. They also make a variety of quiet chirping / chattering sounds; you'll usually hear those coming out of the nest box as they settle in to sleep or shift around from time to time.