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 LuckyGlider's Rescues_OscarPonchito
LuckyGlider's Rescues_OscarPonchito

Rockie shortly after introduction to her new cage mates Oscar and Ponchito August 22, 2009

X-Rays of Ponchito Dec 2 2009, View C

X-Rays of Ponchito Dec 2 2009, View B

X-Rays of Ponchito Dec 2 2009, View A

Rockie, new female member of the Oscar colony. R.I.P. 8-6-15 euthanized owing to severe degenerative neurological disorder. unable to move limbs.

4/9/09 Oscar sadly surrendered by adoptive family and now back at LGRS. This is his second surrender here. Fortunately, this 8 yr. old was paired successfully with female Aquila who is 7. Oscar alone again afer Aquila succumed to failed liver 5/6/09

4/9/09 Female Aquila, seven years old. Paired with Oscar in 2008. Sadly surrendered to LGRS by adoptive family along with Oscar. 5/6/09 Poor little Aquila euthanized after rapid liver deterioration - failed liver with growth on liver.

Ponchito, first day at LGRS. 02-21-09. Adopted along with Gumdrop jan 5 2016

Oscar,after neuter operation in June of 2008. Former cage mate to Aquila who died of liver cancer. December 2, 2014. Oscar Euthanized owing to liver tumors & kidney cancer, and intestinal irregularities. Lived about 13 years.

Rescue Oscar his first week at LGRS. 7 years old in this photo. December 2, 2014. Oscar Euthanized owing to liver tumors & kidney cancer, and intestinal irregularities. Lived about 13 years.
LuckyGlider's Rescues_OscarPonchito
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 LuckyGlider's Albums
 LuckyGlider's Rescues_OscarPonchito