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LuckyGlider's Main Album

Dottie 5.5 Months OOP: We call this the "AFTER HPW Diet" shot. Note the meat on the bones and the fine coat.

Dottie 3.5 Months OOP: We call this the "Before HPW Diet" shot. Note how scrawny and the poor coat.

Doodle at 6 Months OOP: Alpha male of the D colony, Doodle is gentle, a considerate groomer, and a scent-marking maniac.

Dixie at 5.5 Months OOP: She's still slightly bigger than Dottie but she doesn't fit into little feeding bowls any more!

Deuce at 6 Months OOP. Our neutered male in the D colony is looking more like an adult all the time. Very frisky now and runs around alot. Sometimes he hides from the others...

Here's our pretty little girl Darla at 6 months. She's still the homebody and loves to curl up under Gail's shirt or in my hands..

This is the analysis of the "HPW Diet" WITH a few sample fruits and veggies. Includes egg, pollen, honey and HPW powder.

This is the analysis of the "HPW Diet" without fruits and veggies. Includes egg, pollen, honey and HPW powder.

Bingo hanging upside-down eating a shrimp. Photo taken from bottom of cage looking up...

"For I'm called Little Buttercup; dear Little Buttercup; Though I could never tell why; But still I'm called Buttercup; poor little Buttercup, Sweet Little Buttercup I."

BooBoo: 26 days OOP: "How's that for a pose??? Check out my tail!!!"

Butch 46 Days OOP: Grandma, when am I going to be big enough to go outside?

Bunny: 46 Days OOP. Exactly 10 days after the ear cropping incident, it appears that her left ear tip has grown back. It is still slightly malformed in the middle (crimped).

Buttercup 19 Days OOP: "My eyes are open too, but I can't stop crawling around. My brother is kinda lazy..." Adopted along with rescue Stella April 10, 2011 after being kicked out of B colony.

BooBoo 19 days OOP: "You can't tell, but my eyes are open.... I'm sleepy so they happend to be closed at the moment."

Bunny: 5 1/2 weeks OOP. "Out of all the gliders in that colony, why do I have to be the one that ends up with clipped ears? Well grandpa says I'm still a pretty girl."

Butch: 5 1/2 weeks OOP. "Hey I'm looking more and more like a real glider all the time. I'm crawling around a lot now when grandma takes me out of the box for playtime."

12 days OOP. Barbie watching over Butch and Bunny.
LuckyGlider's Main Album
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 LuckyGlider's Albums
 LuckyGlider's Main Album
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