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LuckyGlider's Main Album

Here are Barbie's babies 9 days OOP taking a ride on Uncle Bingo - the neutered male. He's been protective and a good surrogate dad. Of course their real dad Buddy is good too.

8 days OOP. NO flash - natural light. They are really light brown...

8 days OOP. Used Flash. One is a male and the other is female. Haven't named them yet but we will soon :-)

8 days OOP. Used flash. They are not white but brown. Compare the 5 vs. 8 day pictures you will notice slightly more hair and slightly more mass. Growing quickly...

Here are Barbie's little joeys 5 days OOP. notice the ears have separated from their heads but their eyes are still closed.

Step 5. Cut no-sew iron-on material to fit liner. Now iron each side of liner to inside of pouch. Flip pouch back again, exposing the loose ends of the "braids." Bunch and tie leather tongs on either side of the open ends. Done!

Step 4. Now, you turn the pouch inside-out. The inside is the part you will be affixing another fleece which will cover up any holes in the braided part of the pouch. This liner keeps gliders from getting caught in back of braid.

Step 3. When you come to within 3 inches of the corner of the next side, cut off spare slits. This gives you room on the adjascent side to cut into the fabric on that side. Braid other side.

Step 2. Now, working from one corner, carefully tie a braid using small square knots. Gently tug as you make the knot to take up the slack and to cover any holes at the junction between the two pieces. Not too tight or you will tear the fleece.

Step 1. First, get a long piece of fleece and fold it lengthwise. The fold itself makes a side that needs no sewing. One side stays open. With the other two, cut an equal number of half-inch slits into the fabric about 2-3 inches in.

Well, little Belle, you're not as far along as Barbie, but you sure have a "floofy" pouch! We'll keep checking so we can start bragging about your little peek-a-boo joeys too!

Oh my goodness, those two are just adorable!

Just a little longer sweetie, you are such a good girl!

That's a good mommy. It's OK, let us see the babies....

Cute little Doodle. Hey little rope dancer! How come your brother got white behind his ears and you have brown?

Tiny-weenie Dottie. She is smaller than Dixie and not quite as active, but she is a real heartbreaker.

Baby Dixie is the acrobat. She outglides and outruns all of the other young gliders, even the ones twice her size!

Deuce, one of the newer boys. He has more white behind the ears than Doodle so that's how we tell the two little boys apart
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