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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ejsmom Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 02:19:00 AM
Hey guys,
Totally new here but I have a problem. I have had my male glider Ej for 8 months and we do everything together he is so sweet and we are totally bonded. He is neutered and in fact the last checkup we had the vet said he was one of the best gliders he has treated, with that being said today started out good I had him in his pouch but I took him out and is acting so scared. I mean as if he doesn't know me. Very jumpy even let off a strange musk?? Has this ever happened to anyone any suggestions? I am so worried about him. Thx for the help
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tveit_Momma Posted - Feb 24 2017 : 09:45:32 AM
He could've been spooked by anything. Something moved in the room, you had a weird smell on you, or a weird smell in the room, or even there was a predator outside and he could sense it. Tveit has made a "warning" call noise before in the middle of the night and I couldn't sense any danger, but he was probably picking up on a skunk or something outside. I recommend not worrying too much yet and waiting to see if this passes.
Ejsmom Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 01:09:45 PM
Thanks guys he is neutered...would he still have these behaviors? He is only really acting this way toward me,my husband can still play with him like normal? I can't think of anything I did. It makes me so sad because we normally are best buds.
Anyway thanks again for the help. I will just hope things go back normal.
BYK_Chainsaw Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 12:22:39 PM
our gliders can get spooked and act differently alot. sophie is our most bonded and she is sweet and sleeping during the day, sleeping and grooming. At evening her morning she is more active and wants to jump on your arm. I visited her at 2:30 am, she was completely awake and very jumpy (squirrely). seems like it takes her a minute to get my scent and settle down.
My thoughts are something got your glider scared, so it was being jumpy like waking from a nightmare.
NyxandBenny Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 08:38:41 AM
Is he neutered? Males reach sexual maturity at 8-10 months. It's 1 possibility.
NyxandBenny Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 08:36:48 AM
Is he neutered? If not he could be reaching sexual maturity happens at 8-10 months.