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Jun 15 2008
05:53:00 PM
If you have any suggestions for the site (good or bad), feel free to post them here.
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Jun 17 2008
01:45:56 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
You guys supply the snacks!!
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Jun 17 2008
03:52:43 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I'm actually really happy with this site. I love that we don't get censored yet 99.99% of us are able to control ourselves and post things that are suitable for anyone to see. It seems like the .01% that can't control themselves get taken care of as needed. I do kind of think there should be a minimum age to post. I know people can lie anyway though. So, no, besides snacks, I can't think of anything.
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Jun 20 2008
08:19:34 PM
suggieluv Super Glider GliderMap Visit suggieluv's Photo Album SC, USA 361 Posts
snacks AND webcams would be even better. i like to see a face when i'm talking to someone. lol!
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Jun 21 2008
10:38:21 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Originally posted by kyro298

I do kind of think there should be a minimum age to post. I know people can lie anyway though.

Well, technically you have to be at least 13 to register, but that doesn't stop anyone. Kids may be annoying at times, but they hardly ever cause trouble like adults do. Also, I think if a kid has a sugar glider, it's most likely a case where the parent's bought it hoping that it will "teach responsibility" to the child. And in this case, I think putting up with some annoyances in order to teach to the kid what the parent's fail to do, such as the proper way to take care of sugar gliders, is worth the annoyance. An "old folks" forum might be a good idea, but I can't see it getting that many posts at this point in time. This just isn't popular enough. Even this off topic forum doesn't get that many posts.
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Jun 21 2008
10:41:57 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Originally posted by Catman

You guys supply the snacks!!

Mealworms for everyone. The gliders will get jealous! I'm partial to the BBQ flavor.

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Jun 21 2008
10:55:27 PM
LovingLife123 Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit LovingLife123's Photo Album LovingLife123's Journal USA 1069 Posts
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Jun 21 2008
10:57:50 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Oh trust me, there are as many adults that annoy me as kids. No prejudice there! LOL I agree everyone needs good information-myself included. Oh, and "old folks"...speak for yourself. hehe
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Jun 27 2008
04:38:57 PM
LL Face Hugger Visit LL's Photo Album LL's Journal MO, USA 492 Posts
I love this site! And I know that this is sort of bad but I do like reading the debates and when they get out of hand I like to see what you guys do on here to control it and have to say. Like for example the last forum you locked where Kyro298 "Lock me up too! I'm going insane!" I got a laugh out of that. And Eric you were funny because "I'm not your mother" you guys are kind of like the debate police.

But anyways this site is very well maintained! I also like the holiday themes too! Very nicely done!
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Jul 13 2008
04:59:58 AM
gypsyNnightcrawlersMOM Glider GliderMap Visit gypsyNnightcrawlersMOM's Photo Album AZ, USA 150 Posts
i can only think of one, in classified. I would like to be able to be able to search the adds by state. For instance I live in az but when looking through classified adds i can't just look at az adds. Can u make that work?
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Jul 13 2008
09:51:18 PM
Pip Sqeak Glider OH, USA 177 Posts
That would be neat :)
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Jul 16 2008
09:30:21 AM
Tate and Jodi Super Glider GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Tate and Jodi's Photo Album IA, USA 393 Posts
oh yes a state would be helpful, make it a choice to pick what state they are from and be able to post it with the add on front page! other than that i like this site too! can we get more 'fun facts' in the profile area? and maybe a page of directions on how to post the picture on the forum? guitly myself on having to ask how to do it and we all see it sometimes that it doesn't always work for the newbies. and i would prefer a little drink with the snacks please.
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Jul 18 2008
10:03:20 AM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
Suggie resipies!!!
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Jul 18 2008
11:01:47 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
I would like to see the classified broken down a little more. For instance, have one entitled "Gliders For Sale or Wanted" and "Glider Items For Sale or Wanted".

I dont always want to look at the Gliders for sale, but always like to shop for suggie items. There have to be others who want to look for suggies and by pass the items.

And by state would be wonderful, especially when gliders are for sale. Someone is always having to post to ask "Where are you from"
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Jul 27 2008
02:19:56 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Ok, as per suggestions the classifieds forum is split in two, one for animals and the other for products. I went through and moved product posts made in the last two months to the products forum. I may have missed one.

I've also made a sticky post in the animal classifieds forum suggesting people put their state in the subject.
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Jul 28 2008
11:36:55 AM
CritterHill Super Glider Visit CritterHill's Photo Album USA 291 Posts
Thanks Eric! It's a lot easier to navigate! Great idea Rita!!
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Aug 29 2008
10:05:48 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I was wondering if it's possible to have some new smileys? Maybe one that hugs, one that sticks their tongue out? (like blowing a raspberry or whatever you call it), one that's slapping it's forehead or rolling it's eyes LOL, and of course, I can't think of the others. I meant to post yesterday and now I forgot. Oh, shaking its head "no" or nodding "yes".
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Sep 06 2008
06:49:29 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
Great suggestion, Kyro!!! New smiley's would be wonderful!!!! We all love the smiley's!! Maybe remove some that arent used often if you need the space - OR put a link that directs us to additional smileys.

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Sep 11 2008
09:40:09 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Does anyone want to nominate some smileys for retirement?

"like blowing a raspberry or whatever you call it" <- what about that one?
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Sep 11 2008
09:45:07 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts

I don't know that I've ever seen these used?
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Sep 25 2008
07:20:08 AM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
defanetally this one needs to be retired
I think having one that looks like its thinking Im on to you.
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Oct 01 2008
03:33:53 PM
tootles Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap tootles's Journal 1981 Posts
I would like to be able to have a signature it lets people know more about you.
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Oct 01 2008
04:12:52 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Eric? You out there? :)
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Oct 01 2008
09:59:33 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
We also need our candy corns!
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Oct 05 2008
11:43:54 AM
Gizzynator Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Gizzynator's Photo Album TX, USA 691 Posts mobile web site would be AWESOME! a lot of websites are going mobile.. might as well keep with the times =)
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Oct 05 2008
04:08:26 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Yes, a mobile website would be nice, but I can hardly keep up with the traditional version. If you know any programmers that are willing to work for free, let me know!
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Oct 05 2008
04:32:18 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
the last one because we have the angry icon and the two look almost identical.

My suggestions are - a hug icon - a rolling on the floor laughing icon - a Thank You icon.

Can we get some more of the fun ones that move? We like those!!!
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Oct 08 2008
08:06:21 PM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
I have two things and maybe you can already do this and I just don't know how....LOL

1) When using the search feature, I would like to see the results list in order from most recent to the oldest.
Edited to add: I think I may have figure this out -- I was searching in the wrong place.

2) I would like to be able to click on someone's avatar and see a larger image.


Edited by - Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy on Oct 08 2008 10:06:31 PM
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Oct 29 2008
12:09:00 PM
Gizzynator Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Gizzynator's Photo Album TX, USA 691 Posts
some thing that would help alot would be a mass picture upload. like if you have more then one picture that you want to put on at a time.. instead of doing them one at a time..
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Nov 05 2008
03:28:31 PM
Gizzynator Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Gizzynator's Photo Album TX, USA 691 Posts
another thing would be on the glider map thing.. a map for the rescues and places like that. i know theres one for vets so i think that's be helpfull for new comers..
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Nov 05 2008
05:23:08 PM
Belinda Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Belinda's Photo Album FL, USA 944 Posts
This isn't anything you would have to change as far as programing but it would be nice if people would put a better title to their posts. I

In other words instead of "help" how about being a little clearer like "need help with new babies" or "help me with feeding issues".

Or "gliders for sale in fla" or "12 wk old joeys for sale in fla" instead of "gliders for sale".

Maybe its just me but I would like to see it. I don't want to read all the post's because I have had my babies long enough that I don't want to read post's about what to feed and cage size etc.
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