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Mar 18 2009
08:11:24 PM
Goldwinger Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Goldwinger's Photo Album Goldwinger's Journal VA, USA 1369 Posts
Right now I could use a Mating

What's amazing is when trying to use the search feature you get to many threads as some things are to broad a range.

Also you can start off discussing or thinking it's one subject and then it turns into another as you've learned something other than what you began with. At that point you can even change the Icon. A question Topic with a question mark (?) can easily turn into a diet discussion or a health issue. The icon gets changed during the thread. Will the query pull up that thread if you query by health or diet with the Icon query. The Topic itself still only has a question mark Icon on it. I hope that made sense.
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Apr 17 2009
12:00:26 PM
Mollysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit Mollysmom's Photo Album MI, USA 2011 Posts
I am pretty happy with this site! Thanks for all that you do, Eric, to keep it running smoothly for us. Oh, and I would like the Cheddar Cheese worms, please.
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May 18 2009
08:30:30 PM
snusie Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit snusie's Photo Album snusie's Journal USA 2962 Posts
Can we have the Health Related Links thread as a sticky? Clean it up as Rita suggested; and have it on the Sugar Gliders forum where new people will see it every day. It would save a lot of repetition.
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Jun 01 2009
01:32:10 PM
leahburk Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit leahburk's Photo Album USA 1192 Posts
I think you should take away the anonymous button that way it will keep most people from starting an arguement that is hurtful to others or leaving rude comments. Most people wont show there name when they do this. I think it will crack down on the rude comments.
Just my thoughts, but since I have been here I have meet some very good people and also a couple not so nice.
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Jun 01 2009
02:01:26 PM
leahburk Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit leahburk's Photo Album USA 1192 Posts
Also I have seen alot of members that have not been to the site since 2003 and so on maybe they should be taken off the forum so it is updated. Im sure if its been that long they probally forgot all about us here just a suggestion.
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Jun 03 2009
03:13:01 PM
TreeTop Joey Visit TreeTop's Photo Album 23 Posts
Is it possible to have a resolved option for the classifieds or a sold out or something like that.
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Jun 03 2009
04:27:10 PM
PW Face Hugger Visit PW's Photo Album 559 Posts
I love this forum as it is, but I agree under classified the adds should be posted with the state in the topic.

ex: Florida- blah blah blah
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Jun 03 2009
08:40:01 PM
Nicole87 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Nicole87's Photo Album MD, USA 650 Posts
Is there any way to prevent a thread from being started if it's already been discussed 2393 times?

Edit- Maybe not prevent it from being started, but is there any way that when you start a new topic, it can suggest older threads that are relative to that same topic? I think that'd eliminate a lot of unnecessary repeat discussions.

Edited by - Nicole87 on Jun 04 2009 03:48:37 PM
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Jun 14 2009
12:47:39 AM
Nicole87 Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Nicole87's Photo Album MD, USA 650 Posts
Another suggestion...maybe add more categories for posts. (Emergency, Diet, General Health, Pictures, etc.) so that urgent posts don't get lost among posts of lesser importance.
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Jun 14 2009
01:01:12 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I think lots of us try to post past links in repeat threads. There's really no way to control it. The icons are supposed to correspond with the type of post it is as well.
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Jul 06 2009
11:07:41 AM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Can it be a rule that only licensed breeders can post selling gliders on a regular basis? "I'm waiting for my packet" doesn't count.
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Jul 14 2009
05:18:06 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Considering that mill breeders are licensed, I'm not really sure what benefit it would be for anyone to limit the classifieds to only licensed businesses. The USDA license isn't one that implies quality, only legality, and even that's a stretch. I don't want to exclude unlicensed individuals that may be needing to rehome their gliders for one reason or another. Such a rule won't prevent gliders from breeding, and people looking to offload their animals will end up doing so on craigslist or via some other outlet. I think there is a benefit in allowing "random" people to post the gliders for sale here because I hope that if someone finds a glider here then they'll be more likely to stick around, or at least be aware of the site, for both learning more about the animal and also as a resource in case of emergency. I think that when people find sugar gliders, or any exotic, through alternative means they may not be wise enough to seek out proper husbandry information.

I don't want to imply that I condone people selling animals without a license, because I don't condone it. The USDA may be flawed, but unfortunately it's the best we have, and someone needs to be inspecting breeders.
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Aug 06 2009
07:39:08 AM
byrd Joey GliderMap byrd's Journal PA, USA 33 Posts
I love this site I got my suggie July 9th and this site has been a tremendous help to me. I researched alot before I got him but there was so much I now realize I didn't know and thanks to this site and you wonderful people I am learning so much. I do know I need to get my suggie a friend I am looking now for one. Thanks to everyone on this GREAT SITE. I agree some new icons would be nice.
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Oct 04 2009
12:37:50 AM
skittlesandpeanut Super Glider GliderMap skittlesandpeanut's Journal USA 227 Posts
hey, i'm new to this site, but so far its soo awesome, i just love it!! So am i unnderstanding this correctly...a single person started and made this whole thing? eric coleman? or did i misunderstaand? If so wow! I mean WOW WOW WOW! Thats amazing! I've been told not to go to these sites for info. b/c they can provide false information but so far its really been helpfull. and great to talk to other suggie fans!!!! I just wish i had people in my town with suggies, so we could have a suggie gathering!
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Mar 17 2010
07:49:44 PM
josefine Face Hugger GliderMap IA, USA 416 Posts
can there be a mark put on threads,posts,topics(whichever you call it)once we have opened & read it? sometimes i find myself opening ones i have already read. as i mentioned some time ago on gc, i was born a blonde, & now completely thru menopause,so unfortunately for everyone here,you're having to deal w/out a full deck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can we have the state we reside in on our signature,so this way some may get helped faster from people in the same state?
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Mar 17 2010
08:01:27 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I think most of us do have our state by our names. You can fix that in your profile. When I leave and come back, I click on "active topics" to see what's posted since the last time I was on.
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Mar 17 2010
09:36:43 PM
josefine Face Hugger GliderMap IA, USA 416 Posts
well, i don't have it on mine. i went in & edited mine so it would show city & state, but it doesn't show up on my signature. there are several that do not show what state they are from.
i would like to be able to remember what i had already read,but there is no way i can,so having something to show what I'd already read would be helpful for me,as i mentioned earlier,I'm not all 'up there' anymore!!many times i need things spelled out for me!!!
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Mar 18 2010
10:10:39 PM
josefine Face Hugger GliderMap IA, USA 416 Posts
could we have the state on screen as to where we are from in our threads? jmo i think it would be good,so that way,if someone needs help extremely fast,we would see where they are from,& be able to give them more help,w/vets & such. i would really like it if we can have each thread marked on a subject to show when we have read a post, i don't always remember,& every so often i will bring one up that i have already read. i was born a blonde,& now all done w/menopause,so,unfortunately,none of you are dealing w/a full deck here!!!!!! gc was where i always went before,& i still do,but it isn't anything like it used to be for me,since i have found this site.i've gone thru several pages of daily topics,& i'm getting more addicted to coming here first more often. that is all i can think of,for now. i'm sure i will think of more @ another time.
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Mar 18 2010
10:17:33 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Like I said, lots of us do have our state listed. Just scroll up some on this page and you'll see CO, TX, MI, PA and VA near people's names. Try adding yourself to the glider map. That may make your state show up near your name:
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Apr 19 2010
01:54:15 AM
Moriko Face Hugger GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Moriko's Photo Album Moriko's Journal AL, USA 943 Posts
Please try to fix the advertising in the forum space dedicated to glider questions, not for the advertising of pellets or meal-worms. Maybe give them their own space to advertise? I have noticed an increase in this in the sugar glider forums over the past few weeks and it's really getting on my nerves.
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Apr 19 2010
10:34:26 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I think that's an automatic Google thing, unfortunately. The more we talk about pellets, the more Google thinks it's doing us a favor.
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Apr 19 2010
01:46:58 PM
Moriko Face Hugger GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Moriko's Photo Album Moriko's Journal AL, USA 943 Posts
I didn't mean those. I meant actual members trying to advertise. An example is at the bottom of this post.
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Apr 19 2010
02:38:05 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Please FLAG those kinds of things so that I can be aware of them. That reply gives nothing useful to the thread and I will now trend and watch that user for possible banning. Personal ads are welcome in the classifieds area.

As far as the official ads on the site, I am sort of on the fence with most of that stuff. I hate annoying the users here but some of it is bringing in some income to help support the forum. For instance, if you use the Ebay search boxes or keyword links and actually end up buying something on Ebay, the site gets a small piece of Ebay's income from the sale.

I am going to experiment with some software to make an affiliate store front to list applicable items on Ebay and the likes. If I am successful there, I might be able to remove a lot of the annoying ads here.

It is very difficult to find anything applicable to sugar gliders, so sometimes the Google ads display stupid stuff. I mean, who here needs to lose weight, am I right?

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Apr 19 2010
03:24:32 PM
shadow Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit shadow's Photo Album MO, USA 2332 Posts
hey kazko im just wonderin how much would it cost to have the forum going without having the ads here? im not really suggesting you take the ads off and pay to have the site up or have people donate money to the site cause i would rather see that money going to the rescues or something.
it bugs me too when i see an ad on here that is selling something that is bad for the glider. but hopefully the people coming here are smart enough to remember that this site is not recommending these things its just google doing it all.
and kinda off topic but i just wanted to say the forum has been great and so peaceful since you took the anon button away from the new members.
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Apr 19 2010
04:44:22 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Thanks for the suggestions. It is obvious to me that a pay site would not work in our community nor would donations. So I am always open to creative ideas for funding this and other things. The yearly ornaments bring in a little cash and they are also fun. I've been pondering doing such a thing to help support some of our rescue friends. Perhaps a series of animals, poses or mascots where each one helps support it's namesake rescue org. Right now I have time to do this kind of stuff but I am not great on ideas.
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Apr 19 2010
05:19:06 PM
shadow Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit shadow's Photo Album MO, USA 2332 Posts
you should make a thread about it. we have tons of creative people on the site and it would get people excited and more aware of donating because they are helping come up with ideas for it and if its something fun people will be determined to donate and get others to donate more though they would donate a lot anyways this just adds a little extra fun. maybe have like a little competition like put people into teams and have them make pouches,toys, or anything that a glider would need to have in the cage. and whatever team sends/makes the most stuff wins. we would have to figure out some sort of prize but im sure the prize doesnt matter since its for rescues. and maybe each team will be trying to get the most stuff so that it goes to whatever glider rescue their team is for or they can just choose the rescue. and it would probably last for a few months or so and give them time to make the stuff. not sure how it would work with the shipping price. i think i remember ed saying that they need more stuff like pouches and toys rather then money (of course money is always good you can even replace making stuff with donating money in my example)
oh what about if we collect a certain amount of money you and/or someone else on the site has to make a video of them doing something that was agreed on before the donations started. like dressing up in something (as a glider? lol : P) something funny like that. maybe make ko sleep with his gliders outside lol.
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Nov 29 2010
01:56:05 AM
Jill Marie Starting Member 9 Posts
ooooh I would love a different background color. something inviting and relaxing like, a soft lilac would be nice. I dont care much for yellow, except for in flowers
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Nov 30 2010
01:44:12 AM
Jill Marie Starting Member 9 Posts
I would like to see a "recent posts" or "your posts" section when you sign in. or is there one and I missed it?
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Nov 30 2010
01:50:14 AM
WintersSong Fuzzy Wuzzy 1417 Posts
I keep noticing the Gliderpedia link getting put in place of the ASGV link. While I understand the reasoning for this (or think I do, at least), it does make things confusing.

I would love to see the ASGV link changed to *site banned*, or something similar.

It's frustrating to see someone post, "I read this thing that says heat rocks are good on the gliderpedia", when they are clearly referring to the ASGV website.

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Nov 30 2010
09:10:38 AM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Already done. Thanks.

PM me links to posts that need correcting and I will be happy to do so.
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