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A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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Jun 03 2003
11:10:13 AM
The male sugar glider has a bifurcated genitalia. It consists of two shafts and is forked at the end like a snake tongue. The genitalia is long and pink, and looks similar to a long worm. If you see this, which you eventually will, Please do not cut it off; your sugar is healthy and normal.

See Also:
Photos of a sugar glider genitalia

Click here for more techinical information about the male glider's genitalia.

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Jun 03 2003
11:34:42 AM
JenJen Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit JenJen's Photo Album USA 1259 Posts
sorry to say this, but that made my day...'please do not cut it off'
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Jun 03 2003
12:39:11 PM
Tara Face Hugger Visit Tara's Photo Album USA 728 Posts
Did I MISS something???
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Jun 03 2003
02:36:02 PM
Mommybop777 Super Glider USA 340 Posts
What now who wants to do a crazy thing like that? I think I missed something.
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Jun 03 2003
02:45:39 PM
BoogerBear Joey USA 10 Posts
I agree with eric ive heard of people who try to pull them off with tweezers....AHHH
Brooke lilo & Ohana
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Jun 03 2003
02:59:26 PM
nikki Face Hugger USA 677 Posts
I can promise, I will not even think about it!
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Jun 03 2003
06:28:05 PM
chewtoy Glider USA 120 Posts
I, being male myself, would never do something like that
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Jun 03 2003
10:12:51 PM
sugargliderbaby Face Hugger Visit sugargliderbaby's Photo Album Canada 611 Posts
Did I miss something. Or is just a randome(i don't think i spelled that right) post. I'm confused. But than again i'm always confused. But ya back to the topic. I know my sister went into my room and say it and she called me and said "i think Gizmo has a worm on him."

Beth-Ann & Gizmo & Sk8er
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Jun 04 2003
05:11:06 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Its just a public service announcement.
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Jun 04 2003
05:22:08 PM
sugargliderbaby Face Hugger Visit sugargliderbaby's Photo Album Canada 611 Posts
Ok thanx Eric.

Beth-Ann & Gizmo & Sk8er
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Jun 04 2003
05:23:41 PM
glider gal Glider USA 65 Posts
I think it's a necessary post that Eric made. I know when I first saw Rocky's I had to take a double look just to make sure it was what I thought it was. As it turns out it was not a worm.
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Jun 04 2003
05:35:22 PM
sugargliderbaby Face Hugger Visit sugargliderbaby's Photo Album Canada 611 Posts
Oh ya for sure. Expecially for new glider owners.

Beth-Ann & Gizmo & Sk8er
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Jun 05 2003
06:27:28 PM
alachetti Glider USA 63 Posts
Thanks Eric. I just saw Jacks for the 1st time yesterday and It was a little wierd. I wasn't sure what it was at 1st and then I remembered your post.
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Jun 05 2003
09:31:01 PM
Eos Starting Member 2 Posts
I am embarrassed to say that when I first saw Id's, I thought his intestines were prolapsed and I took him to the vet to have it checked out. The vet had a good laugh at my expense.

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Jun 11 2003
06:28:19 PM
fairieprincess Glider 58 Posts
Good post, gave me a good laugh. I don't know about anyone else's males, but Maliika has his out ALOT. I'm always seeing it, and it does look a bit strange. You should have seen the look on my mom's face when she saw it and I told her what it was. She was like " but there's two!!!" it just made me laugh
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Jun 14 2003
10:40:27 PM
jaimejones Starting Member USA 7 Posts
i'll have to admit, the whole reason i logged onto this site and then joined was because i saw my babys for the first time. i at first thought it was just a long poop..but nope! think this means they were gettin busy in their pouch?
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Jun 16 2003
04:07:51 PM
bingman9517 Joey USA 44 Posts
I was wonderin if there are types of birth control for gliders besides cuttin off there pompoms. Maybe together we can invent a glider condom?
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Jun 19 2003
03:46:16 PM
fairieprincess Glider 58 Posts
ok, so if we "invent" a glider condom, are you really going to want to put it on your little guy EVERY time he's in the mood?
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Jun 22 2003
10:23:02 PM
1200p Joey USA 13 Posts
Gee I'm new and this is the first post I read. Thanks for sharing! Kathy
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Jun 23 2003
04:44:09 PM
sugarglidermomma Glider USA 51 Posts
I am so glad this topic is discussed! When I first saw my Tigger's "private", I didn't know what to think! Watching a male clean himself can be quite traumatic for a first time male glider owner. But I think Tigger keeps this to himself now and only does it in his pouch because it has been quite some time since I have seen it. Glad Eric made mention about not cutting it off, although it scares me to think that someone might want to do that to a poor glider!
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Jun 29 2003
01:44:54 AM
SKABABY23 Glider USA 51 Posts
when my glider got sick and died, first he deficated on himslef, then the worm came out of him it looked like thread, poor guy.
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Jul 05 2003
07:40:51 PM
wphsblonde Glider Visit wphsblonde's Photo Album USA 137 Posts
that's gross!!!!!!!!!!
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Jul 05 2003
07:46:42 PM
wphsblonde Glider Visit wphsblonde's Photo Album USA 137 Posts
but sad!
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Jul 28 2003
07:01:52 PM
bobbypyn Super Glider USA 270 Posts
Well, I for one am glad that this was addressed. It wigged me out the first time I saw it because he was in the middle of cleaning it (looked like he was flossing his teeth with it!!!) & I thought he had split it in two with his teeth! I have also heard of a woman taking her male to a vet to have it put back in!! And the ignorant vet SEWED UP his cloaca!!!! my stomach turns just thinking about that poor little guy...........
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Jul 30 2003
02:40:01 PM
unraveledrecords Starting Member USA 7 Posts

Oh man! I have had my "Peanut" for almost 7 months. It was given to me as a gift from my sister (had a breeding pair). When she gave it to me she told me it was a girl. So one day I looked in "her" pouch (around my neck) and I saw this long, pink, forked thing coming out of her. I thought she had a prolapsed rectum or something. So I paniced and called 50 million vets, but no one would see exotic pets in the area. I thought my poor peanut was going to die. Because of this post, I feel much much better about all of this! Man, all of this time 'she' was a 'he'. Thanks for the heads up!
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Aug 04 2003
10:22:06 AM
SuGaR gLiDer00 Joey USA 45 Posts
I think this post is good for new Sugar Glider owners (thats me). I wouldnt want to cut it off though.......
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Aug 04 2003
08:29:42 PM
jaspersmom Glider Visit jaspersmom's Photo Album USA 90 Posts
I have never seen jaspers but he does have somthing fuzzy that somtimes hangs out. It is not pink or thin like you would think. Is this normal?
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Aug 06 2003
11:44:26 PM
bobbypyn Super Glider USA 270 Posts
Are you talkin about his scrotum?
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Sep 17 2003
05:24:40 PM
Lauren.B Glider USA 86 Posts
ouch! i bet that hurts!!poor little guys!
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Nov 24 2003
06:26:18 AM
Lynne Coleman Joey Visit Lynne Coleman's Photo Album USA 27 Posts
You just made my morning! I got my new baby yesterday (OK-he's not a baby really-5 months oop) and I've been up since about 4 watching him jump around. When he was cuddled up in the crook of my arm last night (obviously he's a BIG "Law and Order" fan like he started grooming. JEEZ!! I had to laugh when he started his "personal hygeine"!! I called my husband who looked kinda jealous! Anyway, I figured out what it was, and no, I won't cut it off! Now I have to clean the coffee off the computer screen! Thanks!
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Dec 15 2003
09:35:13 AM
Soccer_Glider09 Joey USA 36 Posts
Me, myself being a male would never do that to any other male glider... that would not be cool. I am glad i read this topic though because i plan on getting a male glider soon to go with my female and I will now know that it isn't a!
A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders