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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Bonding a pair to a lone glider.
Bonding a pair to a lone glider.
Apr 08 2017
02:09:05 AM
So I have a recently neutered male. Hes been alone pretty much his whole life other then when he was young. (not sure exactly how long he went through several homes before I found the poor guy) Im picking up a male and female pair they are brother and sister. hes a year and shes 6 months (my guy is guessed at around 2) Ive read a lot about have two males most of it sounding like its gunna be 50/50 they are both neutered so I'm hoping for the best but I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with this? success not? any and all tips would help a ton. Im prepared to keep them separate if needed. One pf the questions I have is how have/would you go about bonding the trio? Should I do it one on one between the two gliders and my boy rather than putting all three together? And yes I have read up on all the processes about bonding them its just when I get to the part where I introduce them together in neutral territory. If anyone could help Id really appreciate it :) I'm still a fairly new sugar momma and learning constantly.
Bonding a pair to a lone glider.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Bonding a pair to a lone glider.