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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Missing Whiskers
Missing Whiskers
Health related
Dec 23 2022
09:22:21 PM
Hi everyone, I have two female sugar gliders. They’re about 7-8 months old. I recently noticed that one of my girls whiskers on the sides of her face are gone and also her eyebrow whiskers. The cheek has enough missing showing skin beneath like more than just whiskers was pulled. What could cause this? I know my other glider is a little rough with grooming her-but they never fight. They talk back and forth and make the tsk sound to each other. They sleep in the same pouch every day (I have several in there). I’m just worried that it could be stress that she might be doing it to herself. Or her sister could be over grooming? What can I do to help stop it from getting worse?

Thank you for your help!
Missing Whiskers

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Missing Whiskers