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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Failed Introduction?
Failed Introduction?
May 19 2023
08:37:31 PM
I recently got a second glider in hopes of providing the one I currently have a friend. The original one, Queso, is an intact male, and the second one, Bean Dip, is a neutered male.

The first issue I have is I can't really get Queso neutered. In the cage he's fine, but when handled he has these weird seizures. I've taken him to the vet, and all they can really say is it might be a neurological response to excitement, since other than that he's perfectly healthy, but because of it they're concerned about putting him under to do the procedure.

I have heard of intact males being able to bond with neutered males and figured that would be my best option for a friend. The problem is, even after scent swapping, Queso is really hostile towards Bean Dip. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm hoping that maybe it's just too soon (I've had Bean Dip for close to two months now, scent swapping starting about a month ago) and that in time it'll work itself out. Was just wondering if there's any other advice I could get to make this go smoothly, I'm very worried about injuries and want to make sure I do this as safely as possible.
May 19 2023
09:11:41 PM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
Sometimes gliders don't want friends. but we were successful every time
but one. We had 10 in a very large cage at one time.

I would put the cages 8 inches apart, so they can see each other but not
touch or grab a tail. use 4 pouches, 2 in each cage. the ones they sleep in
swap them. see if they go into the scented one or the clean one.
If Queso starts sleeping in the one with dips scent then after a few weeks you
could try introductions again. I would swap pouches every 4 or 5 days. If introductions work with out fighting, leave
them together and put in a clean cage with low scent levels. we would clean off one cage during introductions or put them in a temp cage till we liked how they

Introductions need to be in a scent free location, we used the bath tub.
you say "Hostile", but during introductions there can be a feeling out period
for a few minutes, who is the alpha? you dont want FIGHTING, but some spats,
or aggression, bossy glider can happen. sometimes one glider will climb all over
the other, feeling him out. So hostile can be ok for a SHORT time, you dont
want hurtful, or injury type behavior.

Edited by - BYK_Chainsaw on May 19 2023 09:13:01 PM
Failed Introduction?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Failed Introduction?