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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Don’t even know where to begin…..
Don’t even know where to begin…..
Jun 26 2023
02:30:02 PM
I really don’t know how to write this anymore because so far all of all of my experiences in the fb glider community have been horrible! And I am a new suggie mom for almost 2 months. And I am
Sure some of them are on here…..
Don’t quite want to get into it yet guess kinda feel
It out and make sure it’s a safe space first. As I have never been so torn down, bullied, harassed, slandered, emotionally/mentally abused.
Just looking for other glider parents who just want the best for their babies to bounce ideas off of and ask advice and all without being bullied when don’t know something.
Thanks in advance ….. hope to make some glider parent friends!
Don’t even know where to begin…..

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Don’t even know where to begin…..