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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Sugar Glider lost bonded cage mates
Sugar Glider lost bonded cage mates
Health related
Sep 10 2023
01:25:24 PM
Hello All!

Up until a week ago, I had a thriving colony of 6 gliders (two groups of 3) An unfortunate accident happened with some cleaning product and I lost all but one... I am riddled with grief, regret, and admittedly rather traumatized. But that is not why I am here for help and guidance today.

My one surviving girl is my least social one. She is 4, and she was a twin (she and her brother had never been apart aside from his neuter and now he is gone) She had accepted another female into her group only because her brother had accepted her first. Any attempts to put her with my other gliders resulted in balling up and normally a lot of my blood breaking it up, and that was after years of trying many different methods.

Since she is only 4 I am very conflicted on how to proceed. I know very well gliders don't do well singly housed, but I also know she is very aggressive towards other gliders. I am looking for advice on what you think I should do. I was honestly quite concerned she wouldn't make it either when I first found her and now that she is on the mend with vet intervention I am faced with this difficult problem. Any advice that can be given would be greatly appreciated, I am feeling incredibly lost with this whole situation and the suddenness of losing my babies so please be kind. I am already aware of the problem that caused the initial issue and have corrected and working through my grieving process.
Health related
Sep 11 2023
11:15:45 AM
SuggieSlave1991 Joey 18 Posts
On very rare occasions you can come across a glider who prefers to be by herself. And if that is the case then it is ok to leave her by herself. But she may react differently now that her brother and other cage mate has passed.
Health related
Sep 12 2023
07:22:32 AM
Little_Miss_Glider Joey Visit Little_Miss_Glider's Photo Album Canada 16 Posts
She still seems very standoffish with me (she has never been very social) I just dont want her to suffer without a glider but also worry if I get another glider and she doesn't accept it then they will both be lonely.
Sugar Glider lost bonded cage mates

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Sugar Glider lost bonded cage mates