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 PsycheGal's Albums
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PsycheGal's Main Album

Friendly little bird at Disney

Friendly little ducks at Disney :)

Sygin and Loki -- they are scared of the camera, they scoot all the way to one side. I'm shocked I got this pic LOL

The girls playing animal rescue after watching DogTown remove a lot of puppies from a mill. They play often.

This is Hercules. He belongs to my brother, but we dog sit him all the time when they are out and about :)

Quico loves x-mas!

Zetti's palace :)

Zetti's first day with us :)

This is Candombe, died at the ripe old age of 22! He had a good life!

RIP Estrella -- Aug 1987 - 2/14/98 You are missed.

The deer around here have no fear!

Dimitri :)

This is demitri, my oldest daughters fish. She got him for her 3rd birthday, remembers to feed him every single day.

"love is"

My oldest and her other best friend, Zetti :) "Dwarf winter hamster" thanks Santa!

This is my oldest daughter, she just turned five (This pic is a little old) Quico is on her head, one of her best friends in the world.

Quico - ontop of cage Sygin - Hanging on (the light one) Loki -- The cute little one next to her
PsycheGal's Main Album
 Photo Albums
 PsycheGal's Albums
 PsycheGal's Main Album