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 s.iker's my baby
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s.iker's my baby

Bagheera, Baloo, Shere Khan

The twins im getting Nov. 3rd

koda found a way to get on the top of my desk... but not a way down. so i made him a slide..:)

koda on the ledge

on the desk. Theres a little ledge he can run on

i re-arranged my furniture so koda could have more fun

stuffed animal

koda on my bed

Koda running around my room. He found a pen. but mean me took it away after i snapped a pic.. lol

This was taken on my phone. its koda jumping on the chilla bath, and his brother kehni is in the Bath.

kinda looks like a mouse in this one.

on my blanky

His favorite place, my hoodie!

MOMMMMMMM... i want to go on glider gossip!

koda wants to say hi
s.iker's my baby
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 s.iker's my baby
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