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 kipluck's Albums
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kipluck's Main Album

My 2 babies together and friends at last... my little Sleepy Heads!

Lilo meets new Neighbors!

Epiphany meeting Lilo. Mom... I think there is somebody in here!!!

This is the top part of the cage, and where the pouch was.

We LOVE this... on CLEARANCE, and o-so-fun, especially if you fillthe "clubhouses" with strips of fleeces from Mama's old blanket!

cage open

The Cage I just bought for her on eBay

This is Killer Pouncing Sugar Weasel, the first Glider I have ever had the chance to care for. (Babysat it while the Family was in Mexico)
kipluck's Main Album
 Photo Albums
 kipluck's Albums
 kipluck's Main Album