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 Anyone seen a glider sleeps like a Koala bear?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chunloh Posted - Feb 20 2011 : 08:38:05 PM
The tiny one refused to share her space with her. The big one has no choice but to sleep hanging on the pouch for hours. See pic.... she is so cute.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
filly47 Posted - Apr 12 2011 : 08:19:21 AM
I do want to say that your baby is just adorable, and I hope you don't take the advice given as mean. I know that when I first got my gliders I didn't know about half of this stuff, and I am so glad that I took the advice and got glider safe toys and pouches. Every bit of material in your cage should really be fleece as it is very hard for their nails to get caught in it. If you can't sew you can buy cage sets from members on here or make your own (there are no sew ways). I have a variety of sizes and shapes in my cage. Also I would have at least one pouch per glider.
WintersSong Posted - Apr 11 2011 : 04:13:29 PM
Always keep at least two pouches in the cage.

I wouldn't use a cotton bandana as a pouch though, as I personally don't feel it's safe.
chunloh Posted - Apr 11 2011 : 02:37:40 PM
Surely I will take it out if they pose danger to my gliders. They already has a pouch to sleep in and the one shown in the picture is a temporary hanging pouch make of cotton bandana. I make it because my tiny one sometime refused to let the Big one in her pouch. But lately both of them are very friendly with each other. Maybe I will post picture of my cage when i figure how to insert picture in between post. Thanks.
KneeLee Posted - Apr 11 2011 : 01:20:47 PM
She's right about potential danger... if the threads came off&& were ingested or got all tangled&& wrapped up on someone's tiny little foot, neck, etc. that would be no good. If you want a rope in your cage there are ways that you can braid fleece into a nice, long swing-rope.
Also, since fleece is among one of the best materials out there for suggies, you might want to make a fleece pouch for them to sleep in... I can't tell what the one you have now is made out of... cotton?
chunloh Posted - Apr 11 2011 : 07:57:15 AM
that's is the end of the rope... it is not safe?
TheGliderMommie Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 05:26:57 AM
That toy is not in their cage, is it? Those are not safe in the cage, as there are loose threads, posing potential danger. Adorable photo though!
kyro298 Posted - Feb 20 2011 : 11:01:43 PM
I do have one that will go around the backside of the cage sometimes and sleep on the fleece I have attached to the cage to protect the walls. Silly monkeys. He's the only one of mind that does that.