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 Ever heard of a dragon fruit? (Pics!)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mrpianowizard Posted - Mar 26 2010 : 10:03:48 PM
Have you ever heard of a dragon fruit? Also known as Pitaya? I found out about them about 4 years ago and have always wanted one. Well finally they're having them at a Central Market in Dallas so I'm going to go over there and get some tomorrow! WOOOO.
People say they taste like kiwis and mango and melon. That it has a consistency of a watermelon. they are originally from Mexico and Central America. Look them up and go see if you can find one! They will probably be in a local asia market. :)


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mrpianowizard Posted - Mar 27 2010 : 08:51:40 AM
Yeah, there are like, 3 different flesh colors right? Like a magenta, red and white.
I can't wait to go try one this morning. I have strep throat right now so I'm going to go drink some soup and then hopefully my mom will take me lol.
Ko Posted - Mar 27 2010 : 08:42:07 AM
Originally posted by snusie

I saw some last summer in Walmart, and got one. It's pretty good! The glider boys liked it too. I understand the red ones have more flavor.

Honestly don't think the red ones are any tastier, but they stain like beetroot so they are much messier.
snusie Posted - Mar 27 2010 : 03:49:57 AM
I saw some last summer in Walmart, and got one. It's pretty good! The glider boys liked it too. I understand the red ones have more flavor.
Ko Posted - Mar 26 2010 : 10:42:10 PM
They are delicious. They remind me of Kiwi in taste but more melon like though. They have a red flesh variety as well as the white one shown.
Rita Posted - Mar 26 2010 : 10:39:45 PM
Never heard of it, but it certainly looks interesting!