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 Small tail sugar glider??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trickeygliders Posted - Mar 13 2011 : 10:34:27 PM
Hi all,

I have a female standard gray joey OOP October 31, 2011. She is very healthy and rich with colour. I am a hobby breeder and she is one from a litter of my guy's.

Now my thing is that she ha a small tail. None of my other joeys or adults have had small tails and I don't even think I have seen pictures of this, so I am curious to find out more information about it if anybody has any?

Please note:
This is NOT a joey I am willing to part with, she will be staying here at Trickey Gliders for a forever loving home with my daughter.

Thank you in advance
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cora1 Posted - Mar 19 2011 : 12:58:28 PM
I stated Dancing bred for short tailed gliders in the past. I was Mistaken!!!
trickeygliders Posted - Mar 16 2011 : 12:53:32 PM
I couldn't get my camera working. I guess it wasn't the batteries after all, but I will be sure to get a clear picture of her as soon as I can and post it. However my curiousity got the best of me, so I did take another close look at her right next to her mother and noticed the tip doesn't have as much black as the mothers like I thought. This being said, I am more lead to believe it was a birth defect or injury as some of you indicated.
I still want to provide a picture though, to see what other experienced glider breeders say.
trickeygliders Posted - Mar 14 2011 : 12:20:08 PM
I need new batteries for my camera, so will try to get a full body picture tonight that includes her right to the tip of her tail.

To start, when she came OOP on October 31th with her brother, my daughter noticed her tail looked shorter then her brothers. This puzzled me, so I checked it out to see if it looked any different, but the only difference was length.

This litter was the 4th litter from this pair and now that she is older I have compaired her tail to the other 2 sets I have here (the joeys parents and grandparents). It is amazing to me that the colour is all the same including a black tip, but it's so short :)

Thank you again everyone for any advice and thoughts you may have regarding this situation.
Cora1 Posted - Mar 14 2011 : 08:22:58 AM
I Have. does the glider have a normal black coloring at end of tail or is some or all of it gone. someone was breeding short tailed gliders cant remember who though once upon a time.

******My post originally said Dancing bred short tailed gliders but she pointed out I was mistaken so please disregard that information*****
misscarl Posted - Mar 14 2011 : 03:42:37 AM
any short tails i have ever seen were because of injuries, self mutilating, or amputations due to broken tails (as with my glider, Chloe) i have never heard of a glider just being born with a short tail.
viciousencounters Posted - Mar 14 2011 : 02:28:43 AM
Originally posted by aerglider

I know there are a few others here who have gliders with short tails.
Here is a picture of my baby Checkers. For some reason his parents decided to 'crop' both his tail and his brother's. Even as short as it is he still manages to carry things around with it.

I NEED that toy! It is awesome!

sorry for going off topic, most of the time gliders have short tails OOP because of their parents
aerglider Posted - Mar 13 2011 : 11:04:05 PM
I know there are a few others here who have gliders with short tails.
Here is a picture of my baby Checkers. For some reason his parents decided to 'crop' both his tail and his brother's. Even as short as it is he still manages to carry things around with it.

kazko Posted - Mar 13 2011 : 10:44:44 PM
You are going to have to share some photos of this. I have never heard of that as a birth defect. Odds are more likely that it was injured and/or eaten off.