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 people glider costumes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hey GLIDERS Posted - Aug 30 2011 : 11:22:38 PM
HI guys, my birthday is coming up on this Halloween, and i would really love to make a glider costume for myself.

Ive done a bit of googling and couldnt find anything other than this:

and this :

now i dont really like either of them, but i think the one on the left in the first picture is wayy better.

I was curious if i could get help or ideas!?!
Or if anyone knows where i can purchase one you would be amazing!

Im not quite sure if i want a mask, i was really thinking about getting a big onsie, and some how coloring it appropriatly. I would cut the sides and sew fabric from the wrist to the ankle, i want it to be all open and airy inside of the costume (more room for real suggies ) not like a cape that drapes down, and sew a hood to make ears and also a tail on the back.

Kinda like the costume the kid has in "where the wild things are". I really dont want it look anything like this:

NO offense to anyone with their costumes!!!! i just kniow what i want and dont want!

ANY and all help or constructive criticism is welcome!

I have a couple months to get it made so please help me out in any wayyyy

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
evolvinglogic Posted - Dec 31 2011 : 09:54:13 AM
Hey, that looks great! I am making a kigurumi (character or animal based onesie) as well!
hey GLIDERS Posted - Dec 30 2011 : 06:58:27 AM
And here is what I ended with

Thers more pictures if anyone.wants to.see them.
hey GLIDERS Posted - Sep 25 2011 : 09:03:35 PM
glider bump =]
hey GLIDERS Posted - Sep 09 2011 : 02:29:48 AM
Also kazko, im interested in some of the details on the costume you posted, is that you or do you know anything about it?
hey GLIDERS Posted - Sep 09 2011 : 02:18:02 AM
oh awesome! thanks for the replies guys. My main concern is how hot it gets in the costume! I live in a desert it gets really warm!

Im still looking around for different ideas but those links helped alot!!!
Kozi Posted - Sep 08 2011 : 01:46:33 AM
Originally posted by roxiesmomma

Originally posted by angelmom

Roxie- are you talking about Furries? That's an entire sub culture lol! I have a "Furrie" friend. She's one of the coolest people I know. A lot of people associate all Furries with the subclass of Furries that are sex based. But a lot of them just enjoy dressing up! I dunno, sounds like a good time to me every once in a while!

YES!!! Lol, I assumed it was all sexual as well... That's what I get for believing T.V!! I love those pictures too cute

Yeah.. sadly there's a lot of creepers out there that give the rest of people a really bad rap. =/
roxiesmomma Posted - Sep 06 2011 : 12:26:48 PM
Originally posted by angelmom

Roxie- are you talking about Furries? That's an entire sub culture lol! I have a "Furrie" friend. She's one of the coolest people I know. A lot of people associate all Furries with the subclass of Furries that are sex based. But a lot of them just enjoy dressing up! I dunno, sounds like a good time to me every once in a while!

YES!!! Lol, I assumed it was all sexual as well... That's what I get for believing T.V!! I love those pictures too cute
kazko Posted - Sep 06 2011 : 02:30:43 AM
kazko Posted - Sep 06 2011 : 02:27:29 AM
angelmom Posted - Sep 06 2011 : 01:17:12 AM
Roxie- are you talking about Furries? That's an entire sub culture lol! I have a "Furrie" friend. She's one of the coolest people I know. A lot of people associate all Furries with the subclass of Furries that are sex based. But a lot of them just enjoy dressing up! I dunno, sounds like a good time to me every once in a while!
roxiesmomma Posted - Sep 06 2011 : 12:02:05 AM
This cracks me up! I think they are cute!! Anyone ever see the CSI episode when people dressed up as animals for some crazy reason?? Reminds me of that.
kimbo6605 Posted - Sep 01 2011 : 09:51:29 AM
her stuff is great but she is closed because of her wedding lol thats sad cause now i want one lol
ToughCheeseSmallPaws Posted - Aug 31 2011 : 09:25:31 PM
I know a few people you should ask- but check out some of the fur suit communities (with a grain of salt). There are quite a few awesome ones I can recommend to you (they make it an absolute art) and some to avoid- try to stay away from cartoon-ish if you can...

This girl is my absolute favorite ever and I covet her stuff- she also has some really awesome tutorials... especially on her Deviant art site...

When I find some tutorials I will send them to you
viciousencounters Posted - Aug 31 2011 : 06:44:01 PM
Lol, you should make a pouch for the costume. Make it where is has zipper closure so that you can have gliders in it.
LuuLuu Posted - Aug 31 2011 : 01:00:00 PM
I'm going to keep an eye on this thread, because I was thinking about making my daughter a sugar glider costume for halloween..... Good luck and post a pic of the end product once you figure something out!