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 DIY Sugar Glider Cage Sets!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pixie10 Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 09:06:15 AM
I've started making my own sugar glider cage items with my machine. But so far, I have made EXTRA LARGE Pouches, a Corner Hammock,standard Hammock and a messed up cube house! LOL

Anyone have any links for sewing for suggies?? or tutorials?? I would like to make some different things for my girls to have.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pixie10 Posted - Jan 09 2012 : 10:55:52 PM
YES!!! that would be great!!!
slave4suggies Posted - Jan 09 2012 : 06:42:00 PM
Cubes are surprisingly easier than I thought they would be. I found a template on a website for making a cube. It was for dice i think, not sure. But that gave me the template to make the pouches. The ones I make are reversable. No I don't have videos but I can try and find the template again if you want.
JazzNZoeysmom Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 11:58:13 PM
Here's a video on how to make a pouch....other things you can just kind of think thru the process and thru trial and error work it out.

Hammocks and bridges are made with the same process as a pouch.
Dd Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 10:40:38 PM
cute great job howd you learn
Pixie10 Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 06:02:09 PM
Thanks!!! Just finished my third cage set!!! This was the last piece!! Will post it on my facebook. Along with 2 other cage sets from fabric that I picked up today!!! YAY!!! lol
JazzNZoeysmom Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 04:48:59 PM
For a vine all you need to do is cut 3 long pieces of fleece. Cut them about 5-6in. wide and however long you want it, usually about a ft. or so.

Just sew a loop to the top of the middle piece.

Then sew straight down the center. Then you cut the strips...

Pixie10 Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 11:55:44 AM
I've done a bridge.... I would like to do a fleece vine!!!
JazzNZoeysmom Posted - Jan 06 2012 : 11:10:40 AM
Have you done a fleece vine or a bridge? (or better yet, do you want to? )